Saturday, November 30, 2013

Updated: When is a Comet not a Comet?

Notice the tail of ISON doesn't point away from the Sun when it leaves the Sun like other comets do.  If it doesn't quack like a duck, is it a duck?  Or is it something else? Something rather special? :)  

Ask yourself the question "What is ISON?  What DO I know?"  Notice the response you get back.

PS: My daughter the aspiring astrophysicist student sent this reply to me about the strange tail...
"Actually a comet has two tails: the dust tail and the ion tail. The ion tail goes in the opposite direction of the suns magnetic field, but often what's visible is the dust tail since the dust reflects the light back on us from an observing point of view. I think the dust tail is also  probably following the motion of the nucleus. Ison is an odd comet and they all behave differently. It's hard to draw a conclusion without seeing the soho images and the data..."

Eyes are opened on all levels of Gaia as unfoldment of Gifting Energies occurs

Eyes are opened on all levels of Gaia as unfoldment of Gifting Energies occurs
by ÉirePort

Eyes are opened on all levels of Gaia as unfoldment of Gifting Energies occurs.

Such energetics present to all of hu-manity gifts of awakening, also to be called "Gifts of Prime Consciousness".

Subsequent unveiling presents actualities of Ascension as needed.

Clandestine "rabbit habitats" are no longer supported and unfold in an inner to outer, quickly.

Balance among Hue-Beings is suggested at this time.

ÉirePort | November 30, 2013 at 05:17

Friday, November 29, 2013


The two videos that follow were produced in 2011 and 2012.  The message still holds.  This post is a response to a request from one of us.

We are the Ones we've been waiting for.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Obamacare Accidently Insures Colorado Man's Dog

Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco

Morocco Diary Chapter 1

By American Kabuki

November 28, 2013

Love to all you readers from a very windy and wet Thanksgiving Day in Morocco at Casa Caleb! Winter seems to have arrived here on the Northern coast of Morocco in full force  We've had some sunny days this week but the blowing wind has been a pretty constant roar.  Winter has arrived and mediterranean sea is roiling.  This part of Morocco (when the sun shines) is very beautiful.  Even in the rain its a beautiful place, but I think D. say better weather here than I am seeing.  Winter will pass soon enough.

I left California on the 10th of November and arrived here in Morocco on the 11th.  After getting my luggage checked in at the counter in San Diego with American Airlines I was quite surprised to find out I was put on TSA preferred traveler list. Hmmm.  You mean I don't have to go through the cattle chute into the x ray machine? Cool! I didn't have to get nuked by the scanner and take my shoes off in San Diego.  I don't know how I got on that list, but thank you to whomever it was that put me there. I certainly didn't apply for it.  My brother found he has been similarly upgraded on flight out of Florida, and he has nothing to do with the work I am doing. He  didn't apply either.  Not sure what's going on there, but sure beats being on the other list.  Perhaps we have friends in high places?

I decided this trip to pay the extra 40 bucks for the San Diego to DFW, and DFW to Madrid for a bit more legroom.  I discovered last trip to Morocco you have to pay extra to not bang your knees on the chair in front of you on American Airlines flights across the Atlantic.  If they make seats any closer on these flights they'll have to start vacuum packing passengers like coffee bricks.  So if you do any long for the extra leg room.  These days the airlines are playing the nickel and dime you to death game, luggage charges, leg room charges, you know the drill.  My how flying has changed from the days when I worked in the airlines! Doesn't have to be this way, if they were all honest about their fares and provided decent leg room, they'd actually improve their revenue yield as they'd get more more money per seat and they'd have less empty seats.  Honesty in air travel fares...what a concept!  But they still play this game of cramming more people on each flight while retiring old planes.  The price of fuel the oil companies charge really drives all craziness in the airlines. Bring on the zero point energy devices now!

Spain has a strange policy with Moroccan flights.  The planes are always on the tarmac far away from the terminal.  Morocco is a peaceful country, so I'm not sure what the deal is.  Maybe its revenge for the Moor invasion in the 8th century?  Europeans do have long memories. Whatever the reason,  you always have to take a bus to get the plane on the tarmac. Doesn't really matter if its Royal Air Moroc or Iberia.   Its not that these airports are old, Madrid is a modern airport (I had to laugh though at the ad agency that dreamed up funneling ALL the Madrid transferring passengers through the middle of the duty free gift store!) and the Barcelona airport is down right futuristic.

Why Iberia chooses to put the Iberia flight to Tangier at the farthest end of the airport is beyond my understanding, and of course after walking all that way with far too much baggage, you'd expect there'd be a plane there waiting right? NOPE!  There's a bus. And that takes you to a point on the tarmac roughly outside of where you got off the American Airlines and started your miles long transfer journey! Grrrrr!  Like that makes sense?

I brought my iMac this trip, decided since I am going to be here longer than the last trip I'd have my favorite blogging tool with me.  I bought this really nice case for the iMac at The Flight Case Company   in the UK, and it worked beautifully.  If you got a mac and you travel, check the company out. They make a great case and it will save your precious hardware from the baggage handling gorillas!

My computer arrived in perfect working condition, but I thought for awhile something was wrong with it as the fan runs all the time.  Then it occurred to me the iMac is now running on 240 volts and the power supply might be putting off more heat than it does on 120 volts in the USA, and the fan is doing exactly what its supposed to do, so I decided I'll just have to have to live with that until I can buy a voltage reducing power supply.

The customs man was quite interested in the custom mac flight case, probably thought I had exotic lab equipment in it rather than just an Apple computer.  I had to pay a temporary duty on it which I will get back when I take the computer back out of the country. Cost me about 100 Euros.  He was confused about where the computer was, as the iMac is an all-in-one computer, a younger customs guy volunteered to his boss the computer was "integrated". Actually he was pretty kind man to deal with once we got past the language barrier and the confusion about whether the duty was in Moroccan Dirhams or Euros.  Since June the Moroccans have a habit of quoting prices in Euros, because they see more Europeans than Americans here.  Ten Dirham is equal to one Euro.

The first thing I noticed living here outside of the USA is the absence of the surveillance cameras. Seriously! San Diego, and pretty much the rest of America is rapidly evolving to a surveillance society thanks to all the 9/11 Homeland security slush funds funneled to towns across America to create the current police state we call home.  What the defense companies didn't make in no-bid war contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan they made up in scanner sales and security cameras and facial recognition software.  The town I lived in, Carlsbad California, has cameras on every light and lately they've all been interlinked with long range WIFI antennas.  And its not like the town has much of a crime rate.  So why the peeping eyes? Cameras don't stop crime, they sometimes help identify criminals after the fact, but they don't really prevent crime do they?  The person who is mugged or raped, isn't really helped at the moment by having someone watch the crime in progress.  Its not about crime prevention, its about you self-censoring yourself believing ubiquitous nameless and unaccountable government eyes are constantly watching you.  You know a government is seriously messed up when they are paranoid of their own citizens.  I have more privacy here in Morocco than I have in my own country.  And of course the NSA will spy on me in either place. At least according to Snowden. Not much I can do about that.

Morocco itself is a land of much potential.  It had a free trade agreement with the USA but USAID mafia F'ed over the country and that's been in limbo for years.  As President Reagan once said the scariest words you can hear from the Federal Government is "I am from government and I am here to help you!".  The corruption in USAid, Red Cross and many NGOs is well documented.

There's a wide variety of climates here, from desert to alpine.  Where we live its almost identical to San Diego (right now make that San Diego in winter!).  I'll be writing more about my experiences here in coming days, one chapter at a time.  I do apologize for the delay, D warned me I'd get so much data that I'd forget the earlier stuff just trying to keep up with the current stuff.  Heather has asked D. and myself to chronicle our experiences as we go through the learning curve of what she's going to show us as we set out on some new projects.  D. is currently waylaid in Malta sorting out some passport/visa issues with her children's documents.

Heather feels our work in banking is complete.  So we are planning and creating new projects which will disclose in the coming months.

Three things are yet left that have to transpire event wise, the exact sequence I am not quite sure. We'll have to see if they are sequential or simultaneous (lately I am betting on the latter).  But I am not making any dogmatic statements on that because I don't know.  Depends on how things unfold I suppose and the choices that are made by the various beings...

1) The Galactic/Celestial Energetic pulse of Creator Source's Love and light Event (which many blogs speak of including us)

2) Disclosure of ETs

3) Disclosure of "the divines".

Those new to the blog may be familiar with ETs but not the divines. The divines are a class of beings of a higher energetic than ETs, kind of the middle managers in this universe. They don't die, some call them "the eternals", "the elders", "ascended masters" (the ones who worked their way out of our 3d energetics through some very rigorous spiritual disciplines) and others.  There will be complete disclosure of their roles in this experiment in duality.  Some of them fear that.  They need not fear. There are no losers in the end of the experiment here.

The divines control the very top of the banking system.  You can think of them as the invisible capstone on the illuminati pyramid.  They have remained largely hidden in recent earth history, but they do show up in myths from ancient times as greek "gods", "goddesses",  asian "deities", "demigods", etc. from a time they worked more directly with mankind.  They are hinted about in many Hollywood movies, Highlander, John Carter of Mars, and in the super hero movies.

At some point in history, perhaps after numerous human rebellions, they found it more useful to work indirectly with the planet through human proxies like the Rothschilds and other old European families and Chinese Dragon families. They are all interrelated through Genghis Khan anyway. The divines exist (although everyone thought we were nuts last January when we published that, until confirmation started coming in from other sources unrelated to our work like Zap and Keenan and Fulford), and its now its well known the Chinese "old man" is the original emperor from the Qing dynasty and comes and goes from this planet to sign off on major banking events (love the old man - he's making everything transparent as he told Heather he would!) He funded the American revolution with gold, and the building of the transcontinental railway.

The divines are ultimately the ones pulling the strings on this planet.  And honestly they really thought no beings would be capable of  holding them accountable.  The did not think Eternal Essence itself would "enforce" on their in-body-ments, and that is now occurring throughout their realm among those that choose to harm other in-body-ments.  And its got more than few of them in a real panic right now.  They try to do one RV after another but each time they feed it into that Universal Value system AI Computer it spits back out as the energetics of it just won't fly.

One of the big questions we were asked with the filings, was "this is all legal and good but how will you enforce?"  To which we just laughed.  They wouldn't  believe us if we told them!  We don't have to.  Eternal Essence that lives in all in-body-ments enforces it.  The filings were just formalities closing out what began as a contractual arrangement for a finite time.  But they had to be done and published openly so nobody could say they didn't have notice before the EVENT happened.

There's a wide variety of intentions within the divines realm, just as there is among humans.  So when you see the Rothschilds being promoted as the ultimate source of all evil (granted they not by anyone's definition nice folks), realize its not all black and white, cause they were just very well paid proxies and brokers on the food chain of the energy extraction system that has had a harness on this planet and its people.

In the banking system the nasty dark stuff was compartmentalized, because at the highest levels of banking its all about energetics, so the guys doing the energetic work contracted out the dark wet work of controlling the planet to the more ambitious and violent in our society (the lower vibration behavior really screws up their energetic work), often with people of known character flaws or weaknesses that can be easily blackmailed or extorted if they get out of line, or made ultimate scapegoats when they tried to phoenix the system with an RV.  They led their minions to believe it was only about money and that these debts were really owed by the people of the planet (they are not).  At the highest levels of banking it all gets really "woo woo" and its about extracting energy from the planet.  Its not not unlike the green energy harvesting of will in the movie The Green Lantern.  Its gets that strange.

The divines have held control over earth and ETs by what they did not reveal about existence in this universe.  Some things they did not know, until recently, like the fact that ALL are eternal essence in body.  They have tended to see themselves as superior to mere mortals because they have not have had to live in the pea soup adversarial energetics planet earth has had. They come here but they don't tend to stay here long.


Reblogged from:

The leaked TPP draft, pried loose from the "open and transparent" grip of the USTR, is generating plenty of commentary all over the web. After getting a good look inside, it's little wonder the USTR felt more comfortable trying to push this through under the cover of darkness.

As the criticism of the push for IP maximalism mounts, the treaty's defenders have leapt into the fray, hoping to assure everyone who wasn't previously aware of the treaty's contents (which is pretty much everyone) that there's nothing to see here and please move along.

Mike recently broke down the ridiculous claims and posturing of the USTR's "talking points." Amanda Wilson Denton, counsel to the IIPA (International Intellectual Property Alliance) has showed up right on cue to "set the record straight" on the leaked TPP draft. Let's see how well she followed the talking points. (Talking points in bold.)
The Draft Is Already Outdated

The only thing that can certainly be said about this draft is that it does not reflect the current state of the negotiations...

If it is what it purports to be, the draft reveals a snapshot in time of the ongoing work of the participating countries to hammer out an agreement in Intellectual Property Rights…

Sure, it's only a "snapshot." But unless everything's changed since then, it's a very representative snapshot of the involved countries' stances on IP issues. Just because the work is "ongoing" doesn't mean its improving.

What It Would Not Require: Changes to U.S. IP Law

While it is impossible to say right now what a TPP IP chapter would do, experience provides an answer for what it would not do -- since the U.S. began negotiating FTAs again in 2000, no FTA has required a change to U.S. intellectual property law.

The U.S. proposals mirror the current duration of copyright in U.S. law. They track the provisions already agreed in previous FTAs regarding the technologies that rights holders use to control access to their works and limitations on liability to benefit ISPs, including the FTA agreed between the United States and Korea that entered into force in 2012…

In sum, the putative U.S. positions revealed in the leaked text would be consistent with U.S. law and prior free trade agreements approved by Congress, and most importantly would help to achieve better copyright protection among our trading partners…

While we understand that there are parties that don't like present U.S. law and policy, this leaked text demonstrates a fealty to existing U.S. law, and not an abandonment thereof.

So, if you love current US IP law (and wish it would be expanded), you'll love the TPP. If you don't, well… get used to it. The US is running your IP show now, foreigners.

Denton does admit there is one change to existing US law, something only a maximalist would be happy to see -- a provision that would allow rights holders to pursue criminal charges against those who "aid and abet" copyright infringement. Great news! That means you no longer have to actually infringe to be held criminally accountable. All you have to do is be adjacent to it.
The Only Real “News” – Many Bogus Claims Are Now Verifiably False.

The only real “news” in the leaked text is that various claims (e.g., TPP endangers Internet freedom, TPP is SOPA) are now provably false.

[T]he issue that generated controversy surrounding SOPA—website blocking through DNS blocking—is entirely absent from the text as recently noted by Ambassador Froman. Froman specifically raised the issue of “blocking rogue Internet sites from accessing the Internet from the United States” in a recent interview published in the November 18, 2013 issue of Washington Trade Daily. He stated unequivocally: “There is nothing in the Trans Pacific Partnership, zero, that has anything to do with that...”

Any comparison to SOPA/PIPA is completely inappropriate and inaccurate.

Comparisons to SOPA are valid because the leaks show the US is pushing a maximalist hard line, one that goes much further than most other countries are willing to go (Australia being the notable exception).

SOPA was a maximalist's dream. Since a majority of Americans are not maximalists, the bill was tough to sell. The USTR knows this, which is why every aspect of these negotiations has been as secretive as possible. Simply stating the TPP is not SOPA because it isn't exactly the same is a weak dodge. It has the same intent. The TPP will harm internet freedom the same way SOPA would have. Secondary liability will now be a criminal act, as Denton points out in her defense of the agreement.

And as for Ambassador Froman's claim that the TPP doesn't provide for the blocking of "rogue sites," former USTR employee and current analyst for the ITIF (SOPA's "intellectual backer") Michelle Wein actually points out that it does in her op-ed defending the proposal.

In addition, the text does not require ISPs to block access, but instead asks that they take reasonable steps: "Court-ordered relief to compel or restrain certain actions shall be limited to terminating specified accounts, or to taking reasonable steps to block access to a specific, non-domestic online location. [emphasis added]" Essentially, this means that courts cannot make ISPs financially liable for copyright infringement by their users, but can ask them to take steps to block access.

When the government starts "asking" ISPs to "take reasonable steps" (what does that even mean?) to block sites, it's not a request. It's a very forceful suggestion with potential legal implications, as most court ORDERS are. ISPs may not be liable for customers' infringement, but they can certainly be held liable for not "taking reasonable steps" to block access. "Reasonable" is in the eye of the beholder, and what that means for ISPs is that courts will be making this call after they've already issued an order "asking" them to block sites.

What's being witnessed here is the US attempting to make the world beholden to its rights holders. The TPP makes a mockery the last word in its title. There's no "partnership" here. Just a country misusing its stature and economic power to rewrite international IP laws in servitude of a few select industries.

Russell Brand: The only thing that matters to us is love.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grand Gaia Portal Opening in Progress at this Moment

Grand Gaia Portal Opening in Progress at this Moment
by ÉirePort

Grand Gaia Portal opening in progress at this moment.

Upgrades to Hue-Beings as well as hu-beings nears completion.

Facilitation of all Upgrade-assister Light Beings is ongoing and accelerating.

Distinction between Upgraders and flat-liners becomes irrefutable, even among the hu-manity and flat-liner groups.

Moderation of intent is no longer supported.

Pure Gaia Ascension Intent is fully supported.

All other "intents" are separated and dissolved.

ÉirePort | November 28, 2013 at 00:20

The Most Revealing Wink of the 20th Century


Another ISON update. ISON reaches its perihelion tomorrow.

There's fascinating and unprecedented interaction with with the Sun and ISON right now.  I keep thinking of the analogy of human reproduction.

The Sun is like a symbolic ovum and its reaching out tenderly to ISON.  Is ISON providing the stellar equivalent of new genetic information to Sol?


Blossom Goodchild - November 27, 2013

Blossom Goodchild - November 27, 2013

Hello there. Off we go again ... the weeks are flying by so quickly. Let's see how today flows shall we? Anyone about?

Yes of course and it is considered a great pleasure to be with you once again in this way ... in the KNOWING that these messages reach the hearts of many.

Yep, it's quite amazing how your words have taken on a journey of their own ... I never imagined myself being in this position. All I ever wanted to do was be on the stage!

Yet it was assigned to you long before you came and then it was a matter of remembering so ... and deciding if it was still your desire. It was greatly underestimated the strength one would need.

Probably underestimated by me ... and maybe if I knew what was involved fully, I would have declined the offer! Yet in ALL TRUTH it is an honour to serve in this way and life would probably FEEL very odd without you!

Life itself, dearest Blossom, is to bloom forth in a respected manner that no-one ... not even those who think they KNOW ... not even those who KNOW they KNOW ... has imagined in their most heightened dreams. We speak to you all in this KNOWING that WE have ... for we are already aware of that which is to come down upon you and change your lives and your world forever.

We concentrate once again this day on the matter of THE EVENT. For it would not be appropriate to suddenly drop the matter and speak of other things, when we have come to realize that those upon Earth are in need of as much information as we are prepared to offer.

That's right ... Some are confused regarding those left behind and those leaving ... (not sure if that is the right way to put it )They are worried about their loved ones.

Yet there is no need for concern in any walk of life. How we desire that this is understood. Even if one was to worry about where their next meal was coming from ... they are making the matter become something it is not. For worrying does not assist anything. The energy that worrying carries only burdens the soul. Yet to KNOW from the deepest place of one's BEING that whatever occurs in front of one ... behind one ... or at the side of one ... is merely an instant in time ... an experience ... an image with an emotion attached. To KNOW that one's self is "above all' that 'appears' to be real ... brings much understanding of all that takes place in one's surroundings. To detach from what one believes to be real is very beneficial.

Yet not that easy to do! Maybe you are unaware of that from where you stand? Yet believe me ... from down here at 'ground control' the heart can become so deeply involved in its quest for understanding the why's and wherefore's of our existence and those that travel alongside us ... it's simply is not that easy to 'let go'.

Yet we come from another angle. For it is not that one should not LOVE and CARE. One should do so in/of ALL THAT IS ... yet the detachment lies within the KNOWING and acceptance of WHAT IS ... and coming into the recognition of it BEING just that ... WHAT IT IS.

We could go round in circles here. For the emotion FEELS to be the biggest part of our journey. Our biggest learning utensil ... so if we were to detach from our emotion ... I FEEL our BEING HERE would FEEL pretty empty.

And we would reply back on this matter that emotions ARE LOVE in all its forms.

And I would reply ... so why would we detach from Love? Maybe we are not on the same page here!

We offer these words. You CANNOT detach from LOVE. You can however, detach from the attachment to the emotion.

Does that even make sense?

Dearest Blossom. To us ... indeed it does. One can FEEL an emotion and accept it as such ... be it happiness, sadness, anger, hurt, pain ... whatever it may FEEL like. Yet it is in the KNOWING of it BEING WHAT IT IS that one can simply detach from it and allow it to move on through. We are not saying one should not FEEL ... far from it ... that is your most important utensil. We are saying one can recognise the FEELING and 'USE IT" yet not be attached to it. For it is in the attachment that one is denying the self of the full experience.'

I just know from past experience that it is best to leave that there ... and let that 'square of chocolate' digest ... instead of whaffing the whole bar down and wishing I hadn't.

Very sensible.

A White Cloud metaphor that I adhere to ... because it IS so sensible. Where to from here?

We would like to pacify the hearts and minds of those who are not in full understanding of that which is to take place.

Is anyone? I think not! For many of us accept that what lies ahead is going to work out fine ... in the end ... yet we have no way of KNOWING the full understanding of what is actually to take place. Do you?

We indeed have the understanding of what is to occur. We however ... do not have the KNOWING of how it will affect THE WHOLE.

This we cannot predict and yet we have researched heart rates of certain occurrences and it still leaves us rather 'up in the air' as to the possible outcome of such an outpouring/down pouring of purest Love. For no-one can predict such things due to each individual deciding at the very moment of occurrence how they chose to embrace it.

Yet we will stipulate that when it takes place ... those that KNOW within that 'the time is NOW' ... they will KNOW instinctively what to do and how to go about their duties ... in /through LOVE.


Thing is chaps ... it's so hard to imagine exactly what it might be like ... and when ... (yet we won't go there). Some are asking if it is going to be like 'The Rapture' that is spoken of in the bible? Some asking if it is the second coming of Christ? So much is 'left to our imagination' and you know us Earthlings well enough by now ... our imaginations when let loose ... can run wild!

And yet it is your imaginations that assist in bringing about that which is to come.

How so? Because surely it is already 'on the cards'? Whatever The Event is going to be must be pretty much set in stone by now. So how does 'our imagining' assist?

Because it is THROUGH your imagining that the energy of what is to occur will be able to be brought forth.

You keep saying this ... so can we clarify ... or do I need to go to the back of the class? Does this mean there is no set date? I KNOW you are unable to give the date ... yet ... have you one in mind? I mean ... on your 'vision board' is there a picture of The Event with a date above it and all arrows pointing towards E day?

How we smile at your analogy Blossom. And we appreciate your perseverance in order to get as much clarification as we are able to give.

KNOW THIS ... There cannot be a 'set date' ... Yet there CAN BE a 'time slot'. And all is on course for this. The energy has risen greatly over the last decades and it is assumed that THE EVENT shall go ahead in the time slot planned.

Hold on ... hold on a minute ... I am sure 'somewhere' back when ... you said that The Event would go ahead regardless ... so how can you use the word 'assume'?

Because that is what we are assuming! We ask you to keep in mind that never before has such a 'display' taken place ... Therefore everything is 'under the assumption' that all will go as planned.

OK ... I'll buy that. Some are concerned of the chaos it may bring.

'IT' will not BRING chaos ... 'IT' IS LOVE IN ITS HIGHEST FORM ... There is no chaos in that which is coming.

However it may 'cause' chaos due to those who choose to be bewildered and completely out of sorts by such a phenomenon. And it is then that those in the KNOW shall take over ... switch into gear so to speak ... and get on down to the matter in hand.


I notice you avoided speaking of The Rapture or the second coming. I respect this. For as I have replied to folk ... there are simply some things you would not be prepared to reveal and I am 'assuming' if that were to be the case ... you would have to keep your mouth zipped on that little puppy.

You are 'assuming' correctly. Let us put it this way ...





That which is to come ... is on its way?

And always has been ... yet now it is at its journey's end.

This SO could mean tomorrow ... yet in your 'history of time giving' this so could mean in 2020. We shall just have to wait and see I 'assume'.

Dearest friends ... as we have spoken before ... THIS IS TO TAKE PLACE.

What would be the purpose of these conversations ... it would be a very sick joke if this was not to be so.

On the other hand I could be an absolute nutter who has many followers! Yet my theory on that ... is that too many thousands of people all over the world have this same FEELING ... this same KNOWING inside that we are from elsewhere. That we are from the stars and are here to fulfil a Divine Mission. And for those of us who FEEL that way ... we KNOW we are not fruit loops ... We have a bond that 'attaches 'us to each other and gives us strength to carry on. Some really do not understand us ... YET. We are strengthening in numbers as more and more of our crew awaken ... and WE SHALL SEE THIS THROUGH ... and WE SHALL have a cup of tea together ... and I SHALL bake a cake ... which is probably what THE EVENT actually is ... for indeed that has never happened on this planet before either! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

And WE LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU. A watched kettle never boils.

I'm not watching it ... I'm baking a cake! In LOVE and THANKS FOR IT ALL.

Website: Blossom Goodchild

Stephen Cook and I have made a short video sneak preview of the Sydney Event that I did back in August. Just a little 'taster' to whet your appetite ...

Interview with Ralph Ring

Fascinating interview with Ralph Ring about anti-gravity and Telsa technologies.  So much of this interview matches what Heather has been telling me about the past 2 weeks.  Everything is alive and everything interacts with consciousness...

You can see his web site at:

Yes, I know he's got a Knight Templar cross on his left shoulder... not sure what that's about... but the interview is well worth watching.... -Bill

Obama to Close Vatican Embassy

People crowd St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, on occasion of the celebration
 of the Easter mass Sunday, March 31, 2013. Pope Francis is celebrating his
 first Easter Sunday Mass as pontiff in St. Peter's Square, which is packed
 by joyous pilgrims, tourists and Romans. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Obama’s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in the face’ to Roman Catholics

By Cheryl K. Chumley-The Washington Times Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Obama administration, in what’s been called an egregious slap in the face to the Vatican, has moved to shut down the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See — a free-standing facility — and relocate offices onto the grounds of the larger American Embassy in Italy.

The new offices will be in a separate building on the property, Breitbart reported.

SEE ALSO: Pope Francis takes veiled swipe at ‘progressive’ Democrats

And while U.S. officials are touting the relocation as a security measure that’s a cautionary reaction to last year’s attacks on America's facility in Benghazi, several former American envoys are raising the red flag.

It’s a “massive downgrade of U.S.-Vatican ties,” said former U.S. Ambassador James Nicholson in the National Catholic Reporter. “It’s turning this embassy into a stepchild of the embassy to Italy. The Holy See is a pivot point for international affairs and a major listening post for the United States, and … [it’s] an insult to American Catholics and to the Vatican.”

Mr. Nicholson — whose views were echoed by former envoys Francis Rooney, Mary Ann Glendon, Raymond Flynn and Thomas Melady — also called the justification for closing the existing facility a “smokescreen,” Breitbart reported.

“That’s like saying people get killed on highways because they drive cars on them,” he said in the report. “We’re not a pauper nation … if we want to secure an embassy, we certainly can.”

Moreover, the existing facility has “state of the art” security, he said.

Mr. Flynn, meanwhile, said the administration’s announcement reflects a hostility toward the Catholic Church.

“It’s not just those who bomb churches and kill Catholics in the Middle East who are our antagonists, but it’s also those who restrict our religious freedoms and want to close down our embassy to the Holy See,” he said in the National Catholic Reporter. “[There’s no] diplomatic or political benefit to the United States” from the relocation at all, he added.

Catholic Vote, a publication for the Church community, called the move “an unmistakable slap in the face” that clearly communicates that the United States cares little for the diplomatic facility.

And Mr. Nicholson went on, as Breitbart reported: “It’s another manifestation of the antipathy of this administration both to Catholics and to the Vatican — and to Christians in the Middle East. This is a key post for intermediation in so many sovereignties but particularly in the Middle East. This is anything but a good time to diminish the stature of this post. To diminish the stature of this post is to diminish its influence.”

Fibonacci CME Aimed at Comet ISON

Not a battle, more an activation.... -Bill

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our Circular Journey

~ Re posted from December 2011 ~

I can't help but notice the striking polarity all around... our dream is shifting and we are all feeling the change in resonance. If there is one thing we can be sure of it is that "this too shall pass".  (12/9/11)

Love is love, and we are one.  It is universal. It is complete and whole and it is you and it is me and it does not matter if we ever meet.  We are the same stuff.  I read about nationalities and star nations and generations and sexes, yet truly, it is all just costuming. 
Yes, there can be different degrees of comfort but truly, once you see without the lens of judgment you will see only love.
Those that are the least lovable are our greatest teachers and our brightest lights. (12/11/11)

You are here to remember who you are. This is not a state to be attained while meditating on a mountaintop. It is an awareness to be realized while changing diapers and pumping fuel. The life you have chosen is one of absolute glory - to recognize the beauty in the mundane and see the sacred in the ordinary is a gift beyond measure. It guarantees your cup will always be full. (12/12/11)

To live without judgment is to live without fear.  It begins within.  You are on a circular route and repeatedly enter and exit at different points.

It has taken many lifetimes, as existence holds infinite possibilities and this is merely one of them. 

It is not the only one or the final one or the most important one, for they are judgments. 

Every moment in each lifetime holds equal value. (12/14/11)

The sameness of your days does not diminish their importance.  See all as equal.  Love every nuance without judgment.
It is your goal to love yourself, to see yourself as Source beholds you

There has never been one such as you and there never will be again.  You are unique and this moment, with your contribution to it, is perfection. (12/13/11)

You are the One you’ve been waiting for.

George Carlin on Banksters

SaLuSa 26. 11. 2013

SaLuSa 26. 11. 2013

We know that listening to your own heart is getting very comfortable for you, and in spite of some doubts in the beginning, the feeling of trust in these information is growing because every time you searched for some proof of any information received this way, you always got it. It is not that you as eternal Soul would need it, but your mind is requesting evident proof as it was programmed to do so. Your mind is releasing all old patterns that simply cannot keep up with the speed of Light that is circulating within you and flowing through the whole system of your body. Sometimes it might be not so easy to see through this illusion, but your feelings and Love that you are again connected to will not leave you in any doubts about the truth. Truth carries very mixed energy feeling for many of you because so many times you were listening to something that turned out to be the exact opposite.

Everyone is carrying the own version of truth, because we see it as complex package of information and experiences and feelings that are guiding us to the fulfillment of our desires. Desire is another word that might create confusion within your changing mind, and we understand it as expression of Soul that is connecting everyone to the needed experiences. We know that your society as it existed for so many centuries tried to push and limit desires of the people, but now you are free to step out of these limits that still exist and let your desires to fully grow and lead you into the truth about self. Knowing the truth about self is creating more power within and giving you so many different possibilities and showing you which one to choose, that would make your journey and learning complete. And please remember no one else can let you know the truth but yourself, as all the information have to resonate with you in order to become truth. On the other hand, if some information do not resonate perfectly with you and someone is telling you that they feel it is the truth, there is no reason for doubts as they are representing the truth for them and guide them into further knowing.

The more you are tuning into the higher vibrations the more you can feel the resonance of each information that you hear or read. There are so many information about our coming and about all that should happen before and after, and sometimes they are confusing, sometimes they are purposely being spread to create confusion, but we ask you to let it through your heart and clearly feel if they are carrying the loving energy and resonate with you. You all are able to feel this resonance, but sometimes mind is trying to be stronger and tell you something that it is not able to recognize at all. Mind is helping you manifest your choices, and that is its purpose of existence. Your heart is there for you to see your own truth, and when both working in harmony and each is doing that action that was created for, you are seeing the true wonders of life. Help your mind relax with the best way that each of you certainly already find out for yourself, and the mind will surrender into the role that it was created for and you will surely feel it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and wish that you express your desires so freely as they are making you happy, because they carry the perfect energy pattern for your movement into the higher world of existence, where showing your true desires is supported and understand and it is build in into basics of our societies that we live in.  

Channeller: MADAD

Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light

Individual Hue-Being Resonances Combine at this Moment for the grand Gaia Portal Awakening…

Individual Hue-Being Resonances Combine at this Moment for the grand Gaia Portal Awakening…
by ÉirePort

Individual Hue-Being resonances combine at this moment for the grand Gaia Portal awakening.

Multiple upgraded portals harmonize into a single focus for Gaia Ascension, supported by aligned Hue-Being intent.

Fractionation of hu-manity has ended, and is recognized by hu-beings, as well as at all Gaia energetic levels.

Supplementation of this process comes from Cosmic Sources.

Standards of all Gaia inhabitants have increased considerably and are at levels sufficient to support this.

ÉirePort | November 26, 2013 at 04:51

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Dance of Life

Thanks to Ed, for forwarding this link...

  Dance of Life by Clement Farah

Banks 'destroying small firms': Cable report accuses RBS and Lloyds of 'unscrupulous' practices. Probe claims RBS and Lloyds have deliberately caused small firms to fail.

What's unstated here is how much of this is going on in banks that are not state backed/owned... -Bill

Banks 'destroying small firms': Cable report accuses RBS and Lloyds of 'unscrupulous' practices

Probe claims RBS and Lloyds have deliberately caused small firms to fail. RBS, 80 per cent owned by taxpayer, referred to financial watchdogs. Bank claims it tried to help the businesses, 'but can't save all of them'

PUBLISHED: 17:26 GMT, 24 November 2013 | UPDATED: 00:30 GMT, 25 November 2013

Business Secretary Vince Cable
commissioned the report which
accuses the two banks,  which are
part-owned by the  taxpayer, of
deliberately ruining small firms
Britain’s two State- backed banks have been accused of ruining thousands of small firms by using ‘unscrupulous’ business practices.

Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds ‘harmed their customers through their decisions and caused their financial downfall’, according to a bombshell report released today.

RBS is said to have acted like a ‘hit squad’ by deliberately causing healthy businesses to go bust for its personal gain.

In the worst cases, the bank withdrew lines of credit for previously solvent firms by charging eye-watering fees and charges so it could then seize their assets – typically property – at knockdown prices.

Lloyds Banking Group is also singled out in the extraordinary allegations in an independent report commissioned by the Government.

Entrepreneur Lawrence Tomlinson was asked by Business Secretary Vince Cable to look into small business lending.

He accuses many of Britain’s banks of ‘heavy-handed profiteering and abhorrent behaviour’. Last night Mr Tomlinson said if it was proved there was ‘systematic and institutional fraud’ at the banks, ‘you should see  people going to jail’.

His report reserved its most damning criticism for taxpayer-backed RBS and Lloyds. He said: ‘It is undeniable that some of the banks, RBS and Lloyds in particular, are harming their customers through their decisions and causing their financial downfall.’

The allegation will be a major embarrassment for both lenders and the Government, which owns an 82 per cent stake in RBS and 43 per cent in Lloyds.

It is understood the allegations focus on RBS' Global Restructuring
 Group (GRG) lending division, which handles loans classed as
 being risky
'Self-service banking': RBS customers face branch closures as new chief warns of 'smarter solutions' and 'seismic shifts'

Royal Bank of Scotland wins more time to mount defence against £4bn lawsuit from shareholders
Last night Mr Tomlinson, the founding chairman of the LNT Group, which employs more than 2,000 people, told Channel 4 News: ‘We’re really concerned that the businesses aren’t really struggling and are pushed over the edge. And then these extra fees tip them over administration, and then you’ve got the loss of jobs but end up with RBS owning the property.
‘If it is proved that this is systemic and institutional fraud, and there is quite a lot of evidence from people within the bank that this is the case, then the relevant action should be taken. If people have had their livelihoods stolen from them, you should see people going to jail.’

Eddie Warren and his wife Cheryl lost more than £1million, their livelihood and their marriage after borrowing from RBS.

The couple bought the Bold Hotel in Southport in 2007 for £3.7 million, using £1.2million of their own money and  taking out a loan from the bank.

A condition of the loan was that they had to take out an interest rate swap to protect them when base rates increased, but this led to them paying high fixed interest on their loans and an additional £120,000 a year in penalties as rates tumbled. After the hotel was placed in RBS’s Global Restructuring Group it was valued at just £1.8 million. By the autumn of 2011, the business was pushed into administration.

RBS property company West Register bought the hotel for £1.4 million several months later.
The bank claims the business may only just break even when it is sold but Mr Warren says it could soon be worth £4 million as the property market recovers.

He said: ‘They stole it. Even if the property market was depressed it would be worth £3 million.’
The report claims to have uncovered ‘very concerning patterns of behaviour leading to the destruction of good and viable UK businesses’.

It suggests RBS engineered businesses to default on their loans to move them into a special division called Global Restructuring Group (GRG).

Once in GRG the firms were then hit with exorbitant rates and fees, which in some cases caused them to collapse, allowing RBS to buy their property and assets on the cheap, the report claims.
Mr Tomlinson said he was calling for ‘immediate action to stop this unscrupulous treatment of businesses’.

The report recommends that RBS and Lloyds be made significantly smaller, removing conflicts of interest within the banks, and creating a number of smaller, purely retail commercial banks.

The Mail launched its Make the Banks Lend campaign three years ago, to highlight the plight of small firms in accessing credit, but Mr Tomlinson’s findings show many small businesses are still being unfairly treated.

Mr Cable said evidence against RBS in the report had been referred to the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Matthew Sinclair, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘This is shocking news for taxpayers who bailed out these banks to the tune of billions of pounds.’

A spokesman for RBS said: ‘GRG successfully turns around most of the businesses it works with, but in all cases is working with customers at a time of significant stress in their lives.
'Not all businesses that encounter serious financial trouble can be saved.’

A spokesman for Lloyds said: ‘The specific practices discussed in the report are attributed to another bank and are not a reflection of Lloyds Banking Group’s approach.’

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Blossom Goodchild - November 21, 2013

Heather said that Blossom almost let the entire cat out of the bag on if you want a glimpse of what is coming... -AK

Blossom Goodchild - November 21, 2013

What ho chaps! Back again! I have been RIDICULOUSLY tired these last few weeks ... anything to do with what's going on, or is it just 'normal life'?

We would send cheering greetings back to you and as always it is exciting and endearing to be within your company once again. The tiredness you are experiencing ... and indeed many ... is far more than the average day to day exhaustion! The energies that ARE to enter are of such magnitude that even as 'they are on their way' ... they are causing many to have this side effect ... of the sudden and overwhelming desire to sleep. Within that sleep there is much downloading taking place for one is 'almost' aware that they are not asleep yet deeply 'elsewhere'.

ALL THIS is preparation for the EVENTS that are to come.

I notice you say EVENTS ... plural ... obviously intended.

Indeed for we have stated that after the first major precursor ... there shall be an 'onslaught' of following occurrences that shall 'wow' the senses to an extent that one cannot at this stage imagine.

We ask you dearest ones to 'keep one's pecker up' as we believe you humans would say ... For in doing so ... the vibration shall remain strong and allow that which is to proceed ... to do so in the most fitting manner possible.

Someone asked regarding karma and reincarnation 'after' The EVENT ... will all that be over and done with as we move into higher ground?

We would say not necessarily done with 'AS" you move into Higher ground ... yet certainly once you have arrived ... For do you see ? There shall be no repercussions from ones actions as ALL actions 'once arrived' shall come from LOVE.

There will be those who have chosen to remain behind within their journey and are not yet READY to transform/transgress into a Higher positioning of themselves.

I know that statement will cause concern for many so could you elaborate on that please?

It will be the soul's individual choice and this must be understood. There will be those who are so attached to 'greed and selfish adulation' that they are not yet ready within their soul space to move into a space that is for the betterment of ALL.

There is nothing at all wrong with their decision ... for as you know ... life goes on and on and on and on ... and when 'they' FEEL ready to move on they shall.

Ok ... so here it's going to get tricky I can tell. Where will 'they' reside and where will those who have chosen to move on reside? I have never felt that there would be two separate planets ... for those 'awakened' and those 'asleep'.

This will not be so ... yet is it not that you have an elemental kingdom that you are unaware of within/upon your planet? ...

I am aware of it ... not unaware ... yet are you meaning ... 'cannot be part of it'?

Yes ... thank you for the correction.

And that's a first ... and most likely ... a last.

The only thing stopping one being part of it and 'aware' of it ... is the different frequency of vibration ... that is all.

When THE EVENT has taken place ... there will be a rise in vibration FOR ALL ... and we mean FOR ALL. Yet ... many of your world are of a different vibration from one another NOW ... yet still residing within the 'general' frequency.
Often it has been explained by example of a radio frequency and which station you are tuned into ... So we would express the same ... yet regarding the matter of which we speak ... there will be those who reside 'bang on the marker' and those that are 'off the marker' and therefore not receiving the fullness of what is available and often experiencing 'interference'.

Still a little confused ... actually, more than a little. Would you say the majority of humans upon the planet will be 'on the marker?'

The majority will 'eventually' be on the marker ... It is a question of 'self sufficiency of the soul' if you like. It is the individual that determines at what vibration they are able to reside in. This of course is no different from now.

Yet you are saying it 'will' be different after the EVENT?


How so ? Regarding residency of souls of different frequencies is what I am inquiring of? Earlier on in this piece I got a feeling/vision of those 'in the know' being on a Higher plane and seeing those ...' not in the know' ... carry on their lives on Earth 'below'. So difficult to explain!

You see now our dilemma Blossom? As one rises into the NEW WORLD ... the NEW VIBRATION ... the NEW ATMOSPHERE ... they will 'pass through the veil' ... 'the mists' as it is sometimes called ... rising on up as the physical vibration allows itself to match the soul of that individual. As one attunes themselves to each 'degree' of self enhancement they progress/travel deeper into the HIGHER VIBRATION of where the NEW WORLD resides.

So are you saying it is a place? A different place from our EARTH?

No. We are saying it is of a different vibration upon/within your Earth. Yet we do not wish to confuse this with residing within your Inner Earth. This is different entirely.

A HIGHER VIBRATIONAL PLANE/LEVEL ... and the changes that the impending EVENT shall bring to/within the souls deepest expectancy shall assist each one to 'get there' ... depending on their understanding of soulself and of course their desire for ONENESS.

We have spoken many times and so has the dearest soul White Cloud of THE BRIDGE. We have spoken how many of you shall walk back and forth over THE BRIDGE assisting many to cross. Until such a time that one's vibration shall be so settled in the Higher plane that it becomes too uncomfortable to return to the lower plane to continue bringing others across.

Yet there will always ... always be more and more that will find themselves ready to take over from such souls. The souls who have 'done their duty' through choice ... shall then realize that it is then time to bask in the resolutions of that vibration unto which they have rightly 'earned their place'. That is not to say that work shall cease ... Yet what is ahead ... 'once there' ... shall not be work ... but simply pleasure in assisting.

You see ... once THIS EVENT arrives ... there is no going back. There will not be the want to return to the old ... even though there shall be some upheaval and confusion on all levels.

This is where you will KNOW more than ever why you came and more precisely ... KNOW what it is you are to do.


There will be much 'work' ahead ... yet it will be of a different kind. It will come from the soul's natural dependency to assist and many many thousands will do so.

You will not suddenly wake up in this NEW WORLD. Although some will ... yet few in comparison to the majority. There will be ... how should we put it ... those of a much HIGHER GRACE who are to proceed before others in order to simply 'be there' for one's arrival ... They shall arrive immediately in order to have their vibrational pull settle and reside in the place where it TRULY belongs.

As for the majority ... we state first and foremostly ...


The change that this EVENT brings forth is beyond words ... as many things we 'try' to explain often are!

Yet we do our best to portray that which is to come and we would liken it to a FEELING of falling in Love for the first time ... and then that happiness magnified a thousand fold.

The FEELING OF LOVE for one's family ... not just their immediate ... yet for ALL brothers and sisters shall swell the heart space. The thoughts of judgment shall very quickly dissipate and smiles of the biggest variety shall adorn the faces of each one you see.

Words shall lose their power ... for they are so often ... as we have stated many times even this day ... so very inadequate to express TRUTH.

And TRUTH dearest souls ... dearest beloved souls upon Earth ... is what is to be revealed.

A recognition of Truth shall overwhelm one in an instant.



Yet am I correct in saying that not everyone will recognise this?

We would say that everyone shall be given 'the opportunity' to do so ... as to whether they accept and embrace it is up to them.

I cannot see personally why any one would possibly refuse?

You would be surprised dearest Blossom. For some ... the TRUTH is far too compromising to handle.

They would choose 'to 'pretend' they had not felt what they had felt. They would choose to ignore what had become so transparent within themselves.

Yet not all of a lower understanding shall react this way ... There shall be many who desire to repent for their actions... and forgiveness shall be granted.

Some people are confused regarding 'forgiveness and karma'. I mean ... for those who have been really dark in their behaviour ... surely they shall not suddenly be forgiven and offered an ice cream? Surely they shall have to account for their ways?

Oh indeed Blossom. They shall recognise TRUTH ... yet you cannot IMAGINE the pain for some as they do so. For the recognition within their soul of the hurt and pain they have caused to another both physically and mentally ... in fact on all levels ... shall 'hit them' where it hurts!


THAT PAIN ... received back a thousand fold is certainly not one that another could say 'They got away with it'.

Nobody gets away with anything.

You reap what you sow.


Yet it is not to say that they are in complete acceptance of that which they 'deserve' ... we do not feel that is a good choice of wording.

Yet they have the wherewith all to then continue their life ... after their awakening ... in service to all ... and one of this manner would find themselves 'happy' to do the most menial of tasks over and over if it meant that they were 'giving back through LOVE' ... now that they had found it .

DEAREST FRIENDS ... for we have no enemies ...

That's an odd thing to say ...

We desire to make that clear ... WE HAVE NO ENEMIES ... although there are those that would consider us to be their enemy ... for they desire not to live in the way that we consider correct.








Beautiful ... Roger over and out ... Yet not before sending you a moment of silence from my heart in gratitude for your communications and assistance. LOVE YA!

And we do the same.


Website: Blossom Goodchild