Friday, December 27, 2013

Focusing and clarification of all Gaia Higher Dimensional energetic constructs occurs at this moment

Focusing and clarification of all Gaia Higher Dimensional energetic constructs occurs at this moment
by ÉirePort

Focusing and clarification of all Gaia Higher Dimensional energetic constructs occurs at this moment.

"Novelty"1 energy items are being discarded along with all grids which support such.

Authenticity is currently required for all new energetic and (so-called) Light Work.

Flash Points of understanding come for non-resisting Hue-Beings, as well as hu-beings.

The "Hue-Beings / hu-being" designation is now fading rapidly.

Global Gaia awakening is near.

ÉirePort | December 27, 2013 at 21:30

1.) By "novelty" I wonder if they are referring to the same concept of novelty that is found in the Sheliak Time wave series? -Bill

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