Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Quick update on my move to Auchtam

 I'm at a restaurant in Oued Laou using their WIFI. The internet 3G service in the village of Auchtam is not working, I'm not going to speculate why but it could just be the infrastructure is just not built to handle this many westerners and our wireless devices.  We will come up with a solution. Worst case we have to take a bus 5 miles to blog...

My apartment is nice but the landlord seems to have sold my master bedroom mattress, my washing machine and the propane  tank to my water heater.  I got a new gas tank and replaced the shower fixtures.  So I've got about 5000 dirham (500 euro) in move in costs I didn't expect.  Also had to install shower curtains and shower rods so water doesn't go everywhere. Not sure the guy ever used the showers before.

The QEG core is apparently still at the German DHL facility and has not yet arrived.  Brian, Bob and Lisa and Company are doing a fine job bringing people in but the number arriving is taxing the number of places to put people. We expect 100 people here by the end of the month. I fully support and encourage those moved to help out Lisa and Brian to do so. What they and Hope Girl are doing is very important. Donations to that effort do not come to me, I am not directly involved with that doing but will provide what assistance I can to them.

If we have anyone in my audience with deeper pockets than most and that would like to help me get a satellite solution in here to get the kind of Internet bandwidth we need SMS message me at   +212 (0)6 08 98 91 31 estimated costs for what we need are about 600 euro per month and it requires a 12 month commitment. We can relay the signal up the valley we are in with WIFI routers...

Also those who'd like to help my efforts here can donate at the right of the blog. 

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