Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Morocco Diary #9

Aloe Vera flower, Cabo Negro, Morocco
Morocco Diary #9
By American Kabuki

The seasons are showing signs of turning, its still hot here in Northern Morocco, and the dust cries out for rain.   Monsoonal clouds are forming along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea but have yet to burst their bounty and refill the wells and green the landscape.  Winter will start arriving in October, and be coming on strong by November followed by coastal rains and winds.  The land needs it, the animals need, the people need it.  This region will change from dry dusty land to a Bali-like set of mountains and fields.

I gave notice on my apartment August 15, I have to be out of here by September 15th.  I was to begin moving by now but the musical chairs of apartment switches ran into some complications with some Moroccans staying sea side longer than expected.    Hopefully I have a place on the 8th (I am told) otherwise I will be on the beach.

I've gone two months without running water and my roommate and I have been packing 40 liters of water a day from a well down by the beach.  One of my Russian friends has been very kind in lending me his shower every few days.  My landlord has refused to fix the well and seems confused why I would leave a place on which I pay premium rent for no water.  He informs that all of area is without water.  I know that not to be true.  I don't have many rituals in my life, but hot morning showers and having clean fresh clothes are among them.  He owes me money for well pump repair which I will most likely not see again.  He also stole (or "lost") a drill I loaned him.

There is a lady in village who washes clothes for a nominal charge but her machine is broken and it appears by the length of time it takes to get them back she is doing them by hand. I don't really understand that, as the family is among the wealthiest in the village, but they put on a good show of poverty for the tax people.  Its very strange to have the wealthiest grandmother beg you for money,  especially considering how well her home is furnished. She lives better than I.   Nothing is as it appears in Morocco, it appears as third world country, yet luxury cars and boats abound.  Power outages are often not about bad infrastructure as it is about cover for smuggling boats taking contraband to Spain and the rest of Europe.  Life is hard for some, and they have adopted the best they can and as their ancestors have.

Internet service continues to be be an issue this week. I have not yet been able to listen to Heather's interview with Sacha or the show she did last night with Lisa Harrison. I will probably have to hand carry a USB stick of the interviews from them directly to listen to them.  Strange to be so physically close and to know that people on the other side of world will know what is said before I do.

The energies continue to rise here, I noticed it again last night and this morning.  I think this entire area must sit on a huge ley line, or energy vortex or both. I really noticed the difference between the energies in Casa Blanca and here.  Its palpably different here.

It has been a very unusual year, nothing really went as I expected, but then I really wasn't sure what to expect, its not like this has been done before - anywhere.  There have been lots of turns,  detours, lots of unexpected agendas, lots of people seeking to distract, distort, or dissipate momentum or attach their agenda to the work we do.   But that is and has disclosed itself, and spun them around so fast they didn't know what hit them.   That doesn't mean we didn't have months of head scratching, and some alienation for a while from each other for reasons we didn't always understand at that moment.  We we are human and we don't always know the underlying reason for people's behavior at first.  Yet I would not trade the experience for something else.  Its been a huge education.  There have been moments when I just wanted to pack it all in.  But has anything ever been accomplished that was important without resistance? I can't think of one.

Several lessons have emerged for me in the last year, one that speaking my truth is important, every group of humans is vulnerable to group-think.  Paying attention to intuition and my heart is very important, but that doesn't mean everyone will perceive what I perceive, nor should it mean I should be disappointed when they don't like what I perceive or see what I perceive.   We are all unique perceptions of the One.

There have been several times I thought my intuition was wrong, but so far, when the true alarm bells went off in me it's been very accurate, even if not always accepted at first by others.  Where I have gone wrong has been relying on other people's perceptions rather than my own.  I have promoted blog articles that did not come from my heart or perception and later regretted it. In some cases I have pulled such articles.  I feel blindsided when someone I trust rapidly switches direction without explaining or recanting a prior blog post.  Some people cannot bear to say they were wrong, they see it as a sign of weakness. I see it as a great strength of character.  But that is a perception of mine, and in some ways a judgement as that is not the way I choose to work but I am not another soul's master. It is also a choice, I never had to presume they knew what they were talking about in the first place, and it's just my hurt ego wincing at feeling like a fool later for relying on that presumption.  I have a strong desire to have what I publish be correct, and it bothers me when it is not, but realistically that is not always possible.  We can only do the best we can at any given NOW moment.

A thing I really never expected to encounter in this journey was magicians trying to stop what we are doing, but given a blog post I posted in 2012. I really should have expected that.  But I did not come from banking.  Probably best I did not expect that, would I have even begun this journey given the religious background I came from?  I really had no training in any of that or the more generic energy work.

There was a strong monetary and legal side to this journey when I began.  The first series of articles from Heather in 2013 spoke of the world's military arresting the banksters and their paid agents in government, and gave them authority to do that.  But the militaries did nothing.   Swissindo latched onto it later but ignored the rest of the filings - but its all one package.

As Heather's awakening advanced (and it has been an ongoing process even since I have known her - like it has been for us all) she realized the systems were not meant to be rescued, they had succeeded at doing what they were designed to do, and that was to fail, for they are systems of slavery.  Any financial system that has no honest system of redress is by definition slavery. Their downfall was engineered into the systems.  It's a parasite that tries to kill its host. Just as taking down the UCC was designed into the UCC code itself.  The UCC really served as a central depository and record, a kind of corporate akashic record of what has transpired on this planet.  As time has gone on the theme  of our work has changed in many ways, its often been to educate people on who they BE. We've also done huge amount of work exposing the systems for what they are.  It feels now like we are moving into a new phase, and I don't completely know what that it is yet.

I expected agents from banking families.   Was actually prepared for that.  Got a foretaste of that with the Poof interview Brian and I published.  Sheesh the trash talking of our reputations, the legal threats from lawyers, and anonymous threats on life and limb shocked Brian and me.  And there have been others since then.  Comes with the territory.  The true situation on this planet is much more complex than the reputed cabalarchons and reptilians of alternative media fame. There are thousands of agendas at play on this planet at every realm of existence, and those who say it is simple, just don't want you to know their agenda.  Were it as simple as popular bloggers would have you believe the task would have been easy.  Either arrest or shoot your way through to the end and it's over. Some stupidly still think that way, including people who should know better given the books they have written.  But in the human trap of the separation dialetic duality, you don't get out of duality with more duality.  Think of it as a Chinese finger trap, brute force of separation only locks you into it tighter.

Chinese finger trap

Many agendas have planned their patsies long in advance of their planned phoenix-ing of the systems.  There is always a fall guy before every phoenix. And some of them might not even be real.
The only ONE agenda that really counts is agenda of the Absolute Plan of Eternal Essence.  And it works through all in-bodyments even though they have agendas.  And it drives them crazy to see the opposite of what they plan come to pass.  RV/GCR anyone?

Growing up Christian I never really was exposed to "magic", in fact I was taught to avoid the subject. And that is probably just as well.  Closest I got to it was healing by the laying on hands (and I was healed of asthma that way at age 7). But we were taught that God worked through the human (a pipe if you will), but never that the human was also part of God.

Magic is just a term applied to series of templates of symbols and rituals and thought forms, created so that uncreative people could manipulate energy, situations and others - recipe style.  A template.  Our money is decorated like talismans, especially Federal Reserve notes.  But these beings falter when confronted with absolute love and creativity.  It's outside their template of control.  They are defenseless against it.  As are their systems. Words like "magic" and "occult" are demarkation words, for the religious they are off-limits stop signs of fear that prevent them from knowing they do create through energy and their connection to the One. It stopped the Christians from investigating what those symbols on the money they donate mean.  And every church accepts those talismans called Federal Reserve Notes. The religious are taught they are less than and separate from their Creator - fallen even - and abandoned and estranged from the One. I know I was one of them for most of my life.  So they look to their leaders to tell them what to read and what questions are okay to ask, because they do not trust their hearts, many Christians are taught their "heart is deceitful above all things" (Jeremiah 17:9 ) But nothing is farther from the truth. The Creator is within each heart.  Always had been, but few listened.  And who will listen if they think it is deceitful?  

I know from MIT researcher Seth Lloyd's book Programming the Universe, the entire quantum world is either storing information or calculating it, which means the universe is the ultimate programmable substance.  I know from the book The Field by Lynne McTaggert, there is no matter, only energy. Its all about energies.

The term "occult" for those more negatively inclined, conveniently narrows the field for where they need to search for information. Its like a red neon sign "open for business" and a kind of implied consent for energies most people would not want brought into their lives. Do you know anyone who hasn't been told a strange tale about Ouija boards by some friend?   I don't. What information they get from the so-called magical occult sources is tainted with control, abuse, hierarchy and sometimes possession by the negative entities they seek to contact or invoke. Why even go there?  There's other ways to affect the quantum field.  I think its important to know the power of what lies within you rather than these ancient systems that are external to the tech that lies inside each in-bodyment.  Everyone has some unique gift, and if the truth is known,  a myriad of them. Explore those.

In the vampire movies the person always has to invite the vampire into the house, its an implied consent to contract. Be careful what energies you invite into your environment.  Nobody can cause anything to happen to you that you do not consent to, you must create it, they just create the milieu with which YOU create it (often through fear or circumstances or emotions).

The Harry Potter movies had a common theme throughout them, a very true theme, that love is is the greatest magic of all.  Love is the highest vibration of energy, its frequency is so fast it affects everything in its path in encounters, love is the fundamental particle of creation scientists search for. Those that stand in absolute love and in their I AM presence, nothing can touch them.  They are empowered.

All humans manipulate energy and create with energy, whether they know it or not, from the person on the sick bed that refuses to die, the soldier on the battle field who defies the odds and lives through the blistering hail of bullets, to the visioneering engineer who is out to create a new product where there was none before, it all starts with thought, and the best creation through energy comes through love and creativity.    In truth it is a very difficult kind of magic to bring a thought into 3D form, especially in a form or technology that every being can use to make their life simpler.  3D is very thick and slow kind of energetic, and it takes real effort to produce a product, a home, a beautiful work of art, or a lifesaving innovation.   Love is the highest vibration and through love all things are possible and all truly great acts of creation occur from the state of love.  Steve Jobs exemplified that in spades, while the typical businessman wore his talisman of grey suit and tie, thinking this template brought success through dress, Steve Jobs created a computer empire in jeans and a turtleneck.  He knew where the true magic was, it was in creativity by people who love what they do.

I am learning to own what I create.  We create with every thought. There have been times I have felt isolated, expected isolation and that created even more isolation.  The time between concept and manifestation has been breathtakingly fast.  Shockingly fast.  There are other times when I abounded in joy, and that bred more joy.  When I show love, love comes shining in.  When I withdraw others withdraw from me.    Learning to choose what emotional state I am in, is something I am becoming more conscious of, and needfully so.   If you want to be without limits and have that kind of ability to manifest and create, it requires a degree of responsibility for thought and emotions most of us have not really taken to heart.  Its time we do.  And when we do start to create what we do not truly want in our lives, follow Heather's advice to me.. say "CANCEL THAT".  Words create too.  And CANCEL THAT uncreates a thought form.

Using words in a way that creates joy and love is really a wide open new field that few of us have mastered.  We are so used to generating our own prisons of thought and possibilities, we are taught that since childhood, but kids are not born that way, they are born believing everything is possible.  The rest is, often, beat or bored out of them. The sage from Galilee once said about the creative minds of children  "the kingdom of heaven is made of such as these...."

I have become more aware of the multi-dimensional nature of my being, although I've only seen snippets and clues, and I know it is there. And moments it comes roaring in when its needed.  I had a wonderful conversation with Heather the other night about becoming more fully all the aspects of my being within I AM.  Not just aware of it, but connected to it.  I told Heather I feel at times I created Harry Houdini box for my awareness and then through away the key just to test myself.

She laughed at that and said when she looked at her life and how it was designed, it was perfectly designed, but in some ways she said it was a bit like a video game with many levels, beginner, medium, advanced, and you must be out of your gourd level... (I'm using polite language on that last level - but you get the idea)... we have all created what reality we experience and continue to create by our thoughts, actions, reactions or inactions.  I want to blow the explosive safety bolts on my awareness and be all that I AM.  I am not completely sure how to do that yet.  I will not do it through drugs nor do I trust the distortions of perceptions drugs bring.  Some choose that route. I think it's much simpler and safer than that.  Heather tells me to accept and embrace all that I AM, no matter what comes flooding in. I am trying to do that but I cannot yet say I have done that fully.  I am not completely sure what it is I am missing in that regard.  But I know from past experience that whatever is searched for will be found.  It's in the intent, the universe responds.

One of the great ironies of this experience is how little financial resources we have had to do what we have done.   I have far less of those than I had in January, 1/3 in fact.   We deal with a subject involving trillions upon trillions of dollars on this planet, deal with beings with unlimited budgets, and I have to walk 5 liter bottles from a well on the beach.  Some kind of ironic humor in that in a demented kind of way, perhaps its a lesson for the bankers.   My clothes are too big, and many of them getting holes, and a bit faded, but basic needs are met some how. Some day I need to get this umbilical hernia fixed, and I don't know if crowd funding that is even appropriate. Still pondering that.  I am not sure what I will have to eat in the next month.  I  think I have just enough to pay rent and a little left over.  Others here in similar situations.  Yet some how, some way, enough money to continue comes.   Often thanks to many of you who read this blog.    I love you all for that generosity and kindness!  It is greatly appreciated.

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