Monday, December 2, 2013

Definition of a Rebuttal, and conversations with Heather

Definition of a Rebuttal, and conversations with Heather
Posted by D.
reblogged from Removing the Shackles

I am posting a few pieces of conversation that have happened over the past couple  of days.  Not only for Transparency's sake, but to help answer a few lingering questions.

First off, I wasn't going to respond to this conversation last week- I mean, I was, then I decided I wouldn't.... and now I've decided to make just one last comment on the topic, followed by Heather's last comment on the topic as well.

Here is the statement that ran all over the internet on skype and in various forums:

[2:39:49 PM] Henry O'Leary: UCC FILINGS Have Now been REBUTTED:

The Debate should be over !
People can now move on to other, more fruitful ideas.

I clicked on the link, and the link listed on the link which takes you right back to the original link- which is a forum.  No web page, No UCC filing pdf, No link to the official UCC website showing the rebuttal....  So therefore I have to assume that the post on the forum IS the "rebuttal" that, the glaringly obvious, "Henry" has posted.

My response:  Dear "Henry",

Posting your opinion on a forum is NOT a "Rebuttal".  Please note (highlights are mine):

If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity,with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the forgoing is true and accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature.
To date, no such rebuttal has been registered.

"make AND deliver", means Make your sworn and duly verified DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL, and Deliver it, ie: it must be filed in the UCC as a FORMAL REBUTTAL. You may also wish to note that there is always a time frame that a rebuttal can be filed within..... usually 72 hours, although the OPPT Trustees were nice enough to give the corporations/governments 5 months to file a rebuttal.

..... Posting your opinion on some forum 16 months later..... doesn't qualify as a "Rebuttal", nor is it even slightly within the allowable time frame.

Just sayin'.

(11/28/2013 6:49pm) Heather: D....if you choose to spend energy into the banking/Henry/Hudes/filings matter...then I send you this last piece of energy I am willing and choosing to close those matters out with, IN LOVE AND GRATITUDE OF I:

This was never about the tools of the filings and the trust used to undo the fraud, allusion and illusion as it was bound by choice, to experience those limits. ALL THAT IS...IN EVERY NOW MOMENT...IS ABOUT BEING!

What DO you SEE, Love?  Where DO you SEE extreme amounts of energy being paid to influence perception?....and, specifically, what party line perception are they attempting to instill/tune/code within those perceptions?


[2:52:06 PM] Seraph G. El: This was a conversation I just had with Heather...for the sake of transparency...

[2:52:27 PM] Seraph G. El: [11/28/2013 1:58:10 AM] Seraph G. El: I have a question that has nagged me for weeks now...  The information and recourse you posted about "playing with the banks"... Did you get the procedure from someone who claimed using it successfully, or did you test it yourself as you did with your foreclosure? The instructions were very specific, so when I haven't heard of anyone depositing a single" unit of their value" I have to assume something was lost in translation... Please help me understand this... I feel like I know your heart and motive.

[1:49:55 PM] Seraph G. El: No reply?

[2:01:47 PM] Heather: to what?

[2:02:36 PM] Heather: ah!  Never mind I see it now....

[2:11:55 PM | Edited 2:13:18 PM] Heather: bonds, underwriting, etc. are no secret....foreign deposits are no secret in banking (just the part about inbodyments being "foreign" in that former systems was AND the fact that all statutes/codes/etc. regarding foreign persons/immunities/diplomats/deposits, etc. all were to preserve the perpetuity as required by law)....the secret service part was during the investigations from secret service ...and as far as no one "depositing a single 'unit of their value'", the ABSOLUTE PAN...the former banking system is not being revived and there are those consciously guarding and DO'ing the ABSOLUTE PLAN within the shell of the former system making sure that it is not revived...the energetic signature of banking was only set to be experienced and then unbound...hence, my reference to "PET CEMETARY" movie (chuckle)

.......I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! (heart)

[2:14:13 PM | Edited 2:15:16 PM] Heather: ......feel better?....I replied...just sayin' (chuckle)

[2:15:04 PM] Heather: sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh!  Seriously, Love.....I AM CONSCIOUS that you have better things to DO and are sooooooooooooooooo creative....IMAGINE BE'ING AND THEN DO AS YOU IMAGINE! (inlove)

[2:15:26 PM] Heather:  I DO

[2:15:28 PM] Heather: I AM

[2:15:36 PM] Heather: :*(hug)(heart)

[2:40:42 PM] Seraph G. El: Would you or D repost this exchange on her chat room? I think it's needed, and if I do it, it comes off as egotistical!

[2:41:26 PM] Heather: i am not in any chat rooms

[2:42:09 PM] Heather: DO what resonates within you.....

[2:42:30 PM] Heather: I don't care what others think about you ;)...i love you!

[2:43:33 PM] Heather: I don't care what others think about me either....but most already BE CONSCIOUS of that (chuckle)(heart)

[2:44:12 PM] Seraph G. El: D available to repost it for transparency? I think some are done "interpreting" your words and works, and would love to see this explanation "in your own words"!

[2:46:35 PM] Heather: want something done but don't want the responsibility (or the liability) of posting it your self....and then tout "transparency" ....regarding data that was already posted if you go back and read every word it is all in there.

.......very interesting ....IN DEED.

[2:47:39 PM] Heather: regarding D...Love, you will have to ask her....I do not speak for D or visa versa...I am responsible for I and she her

[2:48:09 PM] Heather: LOVE YOU! (heart)

[2:50:48 PM] Seraph G. El: I am really growing tired of the constant barrage of this kind of verbiage... This is not AT ALL about responsibility or liability! I've just gotten a lot of misplaced hostility from those who resent anything being said that questions the PROCESSES not the processor. I am SERAPH, and I have NO FEAR. I have proven this when most of these people had no clue what this was all about. I will post it IN IT'S ENTIRITY.

[2:51:47 PM] Heather: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! (music):O(heart)....I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!!!!!!! (hug)

[2:52:22 PM] Seraph G. El: LOL WHATEVER!

[2:52:35 PM] Heather: AND....I all ways question every thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[12/1/2013 10:02:56 PM] ⒾDⒾ: [Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:57 PM] HEATHER:

<<< [8:56:54 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: it has been a useful "rule of thumb"...I thank you for all the questioning you do about any process or, well, everything....why can't something be questioned?....I love questions....

....what doesn't resonate within I, Love, is when someone asks me to post something that they don't want to post because they do not want to experience what others may call them....and cloak the request under the guise of "transprancy"...but post away!!!!!!  I LOVE TRANSPARENCY....I will send entire convo to D per your request, but I can not and will not speak for should contact her directly.

I love you, Seraph, have a great day!
Seraph G. El


[2:41:23 AM] Funky .: said that when you released the documents we would not need them anymore but we are trying to figure out what that means. When I hear stories from one of our roomies who works in a fast food place and she says two of the employees live in one car and have to come in at 3:30 am just to eat it makes my heart bleed. I thought that if I could figure out how to get some temporary funds from the banks then I could help at least some of the people then it would be a stop-gap but now it looks like you are moving beyond the banks, that everything has been done in that area and you are moving on....I am so confused and saddened because it looks like we are not accomplishing anything. Can you please offer some guidance here? My love knows no bounds for my fellow human beings.

[1:41:59 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: ....please read what you wrote again...the whole thing....where are you focusing energy?...does that focus serve those inbodyments?...does that focus serve you?....does that focus produce some thing of service/value for those inbodyments?...does that focus produce somthing of service/value for you?

....hhhhhhmmmmmm.....can one focus DO'ing that address all of those inbodyments without focusing energy on the symptoms they are perceived to suffer by focusing on the cause of the perception perceiving them to be suffering?

If you want a different result, then change the formula ;)(heart)


[10:01:43 AM] HEATHER: D...Seraph did beautifully...all making things visible...Funky Kat sent over a question which I can hear many asking at this moment (I love how Seraph focuses energy) I am not in the rooms any more...would you please pass the following into there for me?  IN LOVE!:

[1:54:39 AM] Funky .: I just read an exerpt of a conversation you had with Seraph...this jumped out at me...

...and as far as no one "depositing a single 'unit of their value'", the ABSOLUTE PAN...the former banking system is not being revived and there are those consciously guarding and DO'ing the ABSOLUTE PLAN within the shell of the former system making sure that it is not revived...the energetic signature of banking was only set to be experienced and then unbound...hence, my reference to "PET CEMETARY" movie (chuckle)

~~~~~does this mean that even with all the documents you provided that you had no intention of us ever getting access to anything monetary to represent our value? We are simply guinea pigs to the data coming out? I am just trying o=to understand.

[1:58:38 AM] Funky.: oh and just a p.s. to the previous 'conversation' LOL....I was referring to getting access to funds from the bank in order to create an eco-village, aqua farm so we can not only feed people but teach them to feed and house themselves. Something fun like hobbit houses (cob homes made from earth)  (clap)  (heart) It would seem that we are going back to the basics....similar to Cloud Atlas ... even as advanced as they were at still comes down to sitting around a fire telling stories of the 'old uns' .

[2:18:12 AM] Funky .: My dear darling Heather....I cannot imagine how a day in the life must be like for you. I feel the pressure of having to work a job I don't want to work just so I can help pay the mortgage (which is something I do not believe in anymore so you can imagine that frustration) and to have some money to help a few others in our chat rooms. When what I really want to do is find a caregiving job with separate quarters so I can take my kitties with me and just live helping someone else in their need. The last comment you made here to me makes me realize that what I am doing right now serves no one. I can now think more about exploring that caregiving situation. It is not running away from my perceived responsibilities but more about me finding what is right for ME. I have a little more clarity. Thank you.

[8:58:43 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: [1:54 AM] Funky .:

<<< ~~~~~does this mean that even with all the documents you provided that you had no intention of us ever getting access to anything monetary to represent our value? We are simply guinea pigs to the data coming out? I am just trying o=to understand.

[8:58:43 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .:  IN LOVE, GRATITUDE AND PEACE:
Love, the only intent I have and DO is that all inbodyments are inpowered to succeed at all they CHOOSE TO BE AND DO!  All the data that was shared IS exactly how banking your DO'ing and that of many inbodyments who DO the same, you demanded that a choice be made by the inbodyments within the shell of the former assisted those inbodyments to make their choice visible to all the universe....ALL INBODYMENTS OF I DO BEAUTIFULLY IN THIS FINAL MOMENT OF THE FINALE!!  BE'ING AND DO'ING...SO POWERFUL YOU BE...AND YOUR DO'ING GIVES ALL INBODYMENTS NOTICE OF THAT POWER...BE AND DO IN LOVE AND ALL IS PERFECT EVERY NOW MOMENT AND PERFECTLY DONE.


Posted by Breaking The Silence at 07:05 

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