Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Updated 06/26/14: Morocco Diary #6

Main plaza Tetouan Morocco

Updated 06/26/14 I have been informed there is yet one remaining non-compromised Italian OPPT web site left, it is here:  http://ioeternaessenza.blogspot.it/  Thank you to the Italian teams who worked so hard translating the documents from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf!  -AK

Its been an exhausting couple of months.  We had barely moved into housing here and the swirl of activity around the QEG brought it in a huge group of people.   I don't think any of us were prepared for the swirl of energy and agents that endeavor brought into our midst while we yet had not even fully unpacked our belongings.

A representative from Swissindo in Egypt (I have his plan for the renewal of Egypt) was here, a visitor from BAE Systems in England (the corporation that run HAARP), a representative of an English duchess, and a slew of others.  Some others posing as simple back-to-earth new agers but speaking with highly educated Cambridge and Oxford accents and possessing unusually high technical skills. Koreans even showed up. The usual 3 letter agency types were also here and plainly seen for what they were. Some were impartial, some helpful, some here just to observe - perhaps even cheer on what they could not do themselves. We even had others who actively disrupted anything and everything anything they could.

It seems the world was curious what this lot of individuals would do in the energy field as our record in exposing the banking systems is well known.  Nothing breeds interest quicker than a group who has been successful in one project moving into something new.

The QEG as it stands now, I am told, generates 30 times more energy than any other produced so far. That's measured energy potential.  Converting that energy and throttling that energy into a form that can pump well water and power standard home power systems still remains an issue, but I am told circuitry is being worked to do just that.  Its not a question of whether the power is there, it clearly is!  I leave it to Jamie and his associates around the world to figure that out.  Some smart people there working on all that.

Some of our people were contacted privately and asked to smuggle the QEG out of Morocco. That request was refused by all contacted.  The reasons for that non-transparent request is not entirely clear but we know if it ever left we'd never see it again.  It will not be leaving Morocco, and it has been secured from being taken from here.  The money the 5D Media crew raised for that project means it has to stay in Morocco for the benefit of Morocco. It cannot be sent elsewhere nor should it.

The QEG is a first step, and its not the only technology that will come out.  Perhaps one of the most important things the QEG has shown is the power of open sourcing technology outside of the corporate patent systems that currently only lock up technology (or allow it to be stolen by bankers during the patent process) or to be classified as national security secrets.  Alternative energy sources is a process and there are thousands of such inventions out there.  Culling through what works and what doesn't takes time, and the QEG seems to be one such invention that truly harvests some form of energy.

The personality attacks and storms that brewed in this valley left none of us untouched.  Some visitors did things unabashedly, that put others at risk.  Others made accusations that had no basis in facts. Motives that I don't think any of us fully understand, no do I care to speculate upon.  I send them love and thank them for making themselves beautifully and transparently seen. Suspicions were launched, separations begun, long time friends as associates isolated and divided with divide and conquer schemes everywhere.  I dealt with it for weeks. I was not the only one.  It hit us all from angles we did not expect.  But it all came clear in the end.

We are a very diverse lot of people, some of us come from very structured lives and childhoods while others are true free spirits and wanderers and gypsies.  We do all share the common drive to make this world a better place and to do whatever we can to publish what needs to be published.  This group is not held together by loyalty, its held together by love.   That has always been true.  That doesn't mean we don't frazzled like brothers and sisters at moments or puzzle why one person enjoys something we do not. But the world is a hugely varied place and all the beings of Eternal Essence have so many choices of experiences in this life.

In Italy, the OPPT related web sites  and Facebook pages, have had Italian Black Nobility operatives disrupt and take over them.  Accusations were made in Italian that have been long disproven and answered on English web sites, yet given the language difference, many in Italy fell for the propaganda. There was even a claim that everything we did was a Jesuit plot.   The irony of that is pretty funny, considering the source.  But not so funny to the hard working people in Italy that did so much work to get the word out about the OPPT filings.  We told them to let it be for now, these kind of things always sort themselves out energetically in time - and not the way the people causing the disruption expect either.  These interlopers also did a good deal of bashing about on the QEG as well.  Which is not surprising as part of the slave systems is total control of energy in all forms.  Not the first time this kind of thing has happened.  Italy is a place the Cabal does not want to lose control of.   What we did shut down the ability of the Vatican bank to raise bond money, none of the old ways of creating money out of nothing work anymore.

The 5D media people have reorganized under a new name, The One Network, and are moving to a video based format.  Dani from Removing the Shackles and Transpicious News has also joined their efforts and will be doing a video version of Transpicious News.

Recently a very calm peace has returned here, the crowds have left and moved on to other ventures and people are settling into lives in their new homes.    Friendships that had frayed in the stress of the past few months are being renewed, as the totality of what had gone on here was laid out piece by piece into a complete picture.  We all had bits of the picture but until we put all the data together the picture was not complete.  We learned a lot through all this, and learned much about ourselves and what to expect in future projects.   There are waves of people returning, as Morocco never leaves anyone who comes here unaffected by its energy.  It changes people spiritually and physically.

An interregnum between the old energies and the new energies is keenly felt by all here, and we've had about 10 days of a kind of daily coastal fog where visibility is no more than a mile or so.    Its almost like the horizon of the rest of the world vanished, and it was time for us to rest a bit, recoup our energy and direction.   Today it threatens to rain and frankly this valley could use a bit of rain to dampen the dust and refresh the local wells.   I have opened my gates, the local grocery store family has had their well go dry so they are coming to my house for fresh water from my well.  I am particularly fortunate to have a very good well and a very good pump in it.

I lost my roommate who had agreed to lease a room from me for the year, he had some family issues come up that had to take precedence.  I truly understand the difficulty he's under and don't fault him for what he had to do.  I wish him all the best. But I didn't really expect my rent to double overnight.  I am dealing with that the best I can.

If anyone feels move to donate this month it'd be greatly appreciated.  I do my best to earn most of my revenue via Google ads so that I don't have to ask people for help and am usually successful with that approach.  Blog ad revenue is way down for June, but it looks like it will be more normal for July. There's about a 4-5 week time lag from Google ad payments, the internet outage in April and May really hit me hard.  Please only give if you can afford it.  Please do not give if you want me to follow a certain line of postings, I'd rather you not give at all if you expect any quid pro quo as to what subjects I post on my blog.  I post what resonates for me in my journey and that may not be the same as what resonates for you.

I may have a new renter in 3 weeks when he arrives back from a visa renewal trip to Russia.   The whole thing in the Ukraine has been complicating his efforts to get a "Schengen" EU Visa.  Morocco is not his problem, its the EU.   In order to renew a Moroccan visa you have to leave the country and return. Spain is the easiest way to do that.  Russians and Chinese do not have automatic VISA status with the EU like the US Citizens do.  Travel is much more complicated for those from non-western nations.

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