Thursday, August 28, 2014


You could be doing anything else right now, any wonderful, fun, mind expanding thing.  Yet you are not, you are reading these words.  So they better be worth it.

We find ourselves in such an incredible moment of history, there are words everywhere talking about it, competing for your attention.  Which ones you choose will flavor your day and color your picture of our global story.

Try as I might NOT to bias these words with any particular slant, it happens.  Regardless of what name I call it, you are reading only my opinion.  Now if you agree on some level, you may look this blog up again.  If not, you may not.  So this moment could very well be the one and only chance to share with you some thoughts. I’ve come to believe these thoughts only matter if in some way they are helpful, not only to you but to us.  We have a planet to awaken. 

There are fewer blog posts lately for this reason.  The past monthly Love Quests and frequent blog posts were part of our collective journey to agape and empowerment.  We know who we are now.  Our next step is to live as sovereign beings.  I’d very much like to take this journey together; with another series of Quests.  In them we’ll proceed towards freedom.  We’ll emerge as Sovereign Beings.

Intellectually we get what sovereignty is – yet it is not how we typically approach every facet of our days. These Quests will explore how to do that, and identify an even deeper truth in our Being.

Perhaps it is another facet of Agape, one that we couldn’t see.  It was hidden behind our self hatred and blame.  We’ll discover more truth together.  Look for the first Quest sometime next month.  Check out the Sovereignty Video Series HERE while you wait. 

Know that we are getting there.  Any harboring of hatred, blame, judgment or self pity is self destructive.  We are together building this new era and it will be only and exactly as we see it and expect it.  Once we look fearlessly at our own tendencies toward subservience and finger pointing, we liberate ourselves.  This creates truly a new age – one filled not with controls, owners and participants, but with self defined and directed, responsible loving beings who gladly answer to no one but themselves.

This is something we’ll do alone and as One, because that’s how creation works.  You can’t help but change the world with your every thought.

The date of the next Quest will be announced by next week.  See you then!

We are the Ones we are waiting for.


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