Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thanks Robin

As the fabric within which we are wrapped is shed – our new skin pokes through here and there.  It is felt in vibratory accelerations that keep us both wide awake and “humming” all night, or in deep fatigue that makes it difficult to get up in the morning.  It looks like an acceptance of alternative lifestyles as each of us knows someone who’s attended or held a same sex marriage ceremony; and shop owners allow homeless patrons to use their bathrooms on a daily basis without hesitation or comment.  It is told in our “x-files” type stories, of occurrences with out of this world beings, objects or ships.  It is known in our hearts – we feel different and love bigger. 

We no longer have to wait to read or watch for signs of the shift, they occur in our everyday.  This gradual metamorphosis of the human is occurring not in spite of or because of any one being or group.  It is happening within us all.  We are this change; every single one of us.

The death of Robin Williams left a hole.  His gift was himself.  He offered us a multitude of joyful surprises. He gave us moments of departure from this fabric of time and a complete immersion in his zany, hysterical reality.  This place, the place Robin led us, was a place where anything was possible – we were boundless and he showed us a glimpse of what we could do there.

We are falling into that place each moment now – quietly, slowly, and sometimes suddenly.  Perhaps Robin couldn’t maintain his balance, standing in both worlds any longer.  We can never know anyone else deeply enough to understand their reasons for action.  I am grateful for that, and have given up trying to figure any of it out.  What I know is that I feel Robin’s departure and wish I’d thanked him for his gift, before he left.

This place we are creating is filled with many things.  All of it is a gift.  With death, we value life.  With poverty, we appreciate prosperity.  With illness, we understand health.  There will always be contrast here, it exists as fuel for creation and we are creation junkies. This new fabric is akin to “Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors” – beautiful and beyond description. 

There is no single way to evolve, shift, live or die; all is choice.  As we traverse 2014, there will be so many news reports and situations that come up.  Don’t resist feeling them.  Allow them to move through your new skin like a cloud – uncomfortable and strange for a moment and then gone.  It is this practice that creates an exquisite tapestry, one that is fluid, free and fearless. 

Life is not about protection; we no longer need a veil.  Indeed, many of us are already beyond there much of the time anyway.  No, this fabric is one of acceptance.  Fear, anger and sadness build walls and pockets of pain.  Who you are is beyond any wall and with no need to hold onto anything – without any pockets.  Who you are is life and love expressed in physical form.  You are able to grow and shed skin after skin with deep appreciation for each layer that emerges. 

You are here as a witness to infinity as you watch yourself emerge without bounds.  You are the One you’ve been waiting for.

PS I chose this picture and clip of Robin, because in them, he could fly.

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