Saturday, February 15, 2014

EIREPORT: Morphologies of all Star-Connecteds are in process of change and “upward” transmutation

Morphologies of all Star-Connecteds are in process of change and “upward” transmutation
15 Feb 2014

Morphologies of all Star-Connecteds are in process of change and “upward” transmutation.

Higher Dimensional cosmic links of Star-Connecteds now widen, and strengthen, as the “Ascended Being” energetic grids engage, and “solidify”.

Fulfillment of Planetary Inner Vision comes quickly.

Cetacean Cosmic Guidance is now aligned with humans collective for energetic upliftment phase
11 Feb 2014

Cetacean Cosmic Guidance is now aligned with humans collective for energetic upliftment phase.

Star Being connections are strengthened sufficiently for next phase to begin.

“Humanity as sufferers” paradigm sufficiently released by humans collective which opens window of opportunity.

Turbulence has smoothed.

Placidity favors next step initiation.

Creation of Higher Channels for Earth Consciousness Increase has begun
11 Feb 2014

Sperm whale counts have increased during prior years, which has led to encapsulation of planetary efforts into sizable and manageable energetic “chunks”.

Creation of Higher Channels for Earth Consciousness Increase has begun, and will soon complete.

Prior terms of engagement have dissolved.

New possibilities for awakening are engaged

Fortification of Gaia-Cosmic Connections Currently Proceeding…
7 Feb 2014

Fortification of Gaia-Cosmic connections are now proceeding at the highest rate acceptable to all involved. Processes are native applications from Higher Cosmic Source.

Such connection fortification will continue until appropriate Cosmic disclosures have been initiated.

Éireport Blog Operational…
7 Feb 2014

We of Éireport group note that this communication portal is now operational.

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