Tuesday, February 25, 2014

System Failure in the Slavery Systems...

One minor revision to the theme expressed below...
no one gets left behind in I AM...
for ALL is I AM...

...however the slavery control systems are coming down...

I know you are out there…
I can feel you now…
I know that you are afraid…
…you’re afraid of us  …you’re afraid of change
I don’t know the future...
I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end…
I came here to tell you how its going to begin…
I AM going to hang up this phone…
…and then I AM going to show these people
...what don't want them to see see
I AM going to show them a world without you…
A world without rules and controls…
A world without borders and boundaries…
A world where anything is possible!
Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you… 

Neo's final words in The Matrix 


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