Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Updated: Morocco Diary #5

Evening over Martil Morocco
Updated 3/9/14 corrected the number of years since Gorbachve's rule from 15 to 23.   -AK

Morocco Diary #5
By American Kabuki

Its now March and the winds are truly roaring in like a lion in Northern Morocco.  One day it comes from desert, another it comes from the sea.  Change is in the wind, in the world at large and in me personally.  The powers-that-were invented the Ukraine crisis 23 years ago while Gorbachev was still in power. Russia, the USA, Europe, China and Turkey have long known the roles they were supposed to play in this careful planned out drama before it ever began.  The attempts to start a World War in Iran, Syria, Venezuela and other regions have failed and Ukraine is the next custom-off-the-shelf crisis to hit the press and intelligence agency agendas of distraction. It was all carefully war-gamed and financed.  The systems have failed, and now crumble. The Humpty Dumpty of central banking will never ever rule this planet again.  And a year from now you will have forgotten about the Ukraine like you have already forgotten about the other distractions of Iran and Syria.

January and February were, for me, full of what my fellow blogger Kauilapele calls "de-crapification" emotionally and spiritually.   I felt like every possible emotion I could have, surfaced, some of which seemed to have no reference point in either in my childhood or adult life.  I can only conclude they are from some other experience other than this life.  To those who had to deal with me during this time, my sincere thanks for your patience and compassion.  To those now entering their own de-crapification, I extend mine.  I see it everywhere.

Since he summer of 2012 I have been very sensitive to the changes in energies on this planet, often feeling them weeks ahead of others.  I have since the summer of 2012 felt a kind of energy around my legs and arms, at first it was like the feeling of static electricity you might feel from having a balloon on a very dry Arizona day next to the hairs on your arm.  This feeling has been fairly constant until May of 2013 when I arrived in Morocco.  From then on the energy has increased very powerfully as has what I perceive as my energetic field.  In recent months that sensation of energy, now less like static electricity but more of a magnetic field from some unknown transformer, pulsing deep into my tissues and bones. 

Like you, I have no idea what it means, other than changes are occurring within my cellular structure. Its in preparation for something... a new world and a way of being.  I trust in the Creator of All and it is all perfectly done. There have been moments that felt like I had a giant vibrator between my shoulders. Others where I felt like two halves a of magnetic donut are coming close to joining around my upper torso and lower torso.  If I had access to my previous lives I could probably tell you what this portends but frankly I am on the same path of discovery you are.  They say in some channelings that what is about to happen on this planet has never been done before to an inhabited planet.  So lots of surprises in store for all around, I suppose.

Tetouan Sunset

I sense that this journey of exposing bankers and showing the existing corruption in the systems of government and business, reverse engineering it all, showing how it works, how it should work, and given notice its finished, are about over.  Frankly most of us are dog tired. Its been a long road to travel. But the end is nearly here. 

Those of us who have worked with Heather, Caleb and the rest of the crew very closely are gearing up for what comes next.  Creating a new world while the old systems crumble.  Some of us have chosen to leave those systems early.  Others might follow, or do similar things in indigenous areas not under the control of the current systems, some will do it locally where they currently are.  The systems simply fail when no longer pay energy into them.  We have the skills, you have the skills, the knowhow to do that, and were are doing so in confidence and courage knowing who we BE, Eternal Essence in Body. I AM. 

It seems as this awareness of our task being completed becomes full in me, I am confronted with the illusion demanding I pay attention to it. I am frankly tired of hearing about "archons", "cabal", "chemtrails", and "false flags".   Either we are I AM or we are not.  All those things only existed because we allowed it and chose it.  I choose something else.  You should too! I am not a victim.  I AM all that IS. And so are YOU!  The only raising of vibration you need to do, is the thought vibrationthat accepts WHO YOU BE!  Everything else is distraction.

Our lives will likely be less public, perhaps just a footnote in history, its not important that anyone notices as long as the world changes, first here, then everywhere.  We are the kind of people that cause change, its what we do.  Some of us have done this many times on many worlds...but this was by far the most difficult one.  We go on to live our very human lives, perhaps some ways the lives we have not been able to live so far, for everything prior to this was in preparation for the tasks we just completed. The twisted and traumatic journey we had to get here, will never be repeated, because it was solely designed for the purpose of training each of with the skills we needed to do what we just did.

Some of you have been looking a Moses to lead you of the desert of slavery.   We know some feel that those of us who moved to Morocco were abandoning those in the USA and Australia. But you live in a jail without chains, and a cell without doors.  Its time to channel your inner Moses and see what Moses saw and knew, the barrier and border of  the Red Sea was always an illusion, as was the army that was chased them.  Those that believed in the illusion ended up drowning in it. 

As this dawning awareness of this task being over, came to me after reading the first draft of the Will and the Word, I realized I had to repurpose my efforts.   But what to do?  Caleb correctly pointed out to me, unlike some people, my dilemma is not one of lack of skills, its which one to concentrate on.   I have always been able to do many things fairly competently except for being good at sports. With sports I have two left feet.    Nothing has to be permanent, as each thing done naturally leads to the next.  But I do have to start somewhere.  I have been doing IT work since 1982 in one form or another.  I have a background in building construction, CAD/CAM manufacturing (as a tool and die maker), publishing, mapping, demographics, marketing studies, credit card processing (at VISA and Bank of America), supply chain systems, etc.  Hence my dilemma at the moment which to concentrate on.

I will be forming a company, tentatively called "MOR-ROCKET".  Jorge, the graphic designer who worked with 5D Media is designing a logo for me with a nice cartoon-ish rocket between the "MOR" and "ROCKET".   My desire is to create a technical services company, IT, Internet services (business and social media hosting), Geographic Information Systems, and related industries. My brother has his own GIS systems consulting practice in the USA and will advise me on that initially.  I also want to network with local and international industrial designers and building architects.  What is missing here in Morocco is infrastructure (electronic and civil), designers, and architects.  Morocco has a pretty well educated youth, just not many opportunities for them, or mentors to teach them. 

If you have skills in this area and are interested in coming to Morocco and contributing to building a community with the local indigenous people, contact me at AMERICAN.KABUKI on Project XIII.  You should ask yourself some hard questions before coming to Morocco. Can you live in a country less developed than North American or Europe? I wouldn't classify Morocco as a "third world" country (who made up that term of separation anyway?) but it is a developing country.  Are you willing to learn a 2nd and 3rd language?  Can you be patient with manual and non-automated civil servants?   Can you be respectful of local customs and beliefs?  Moroccans are very warm and hospitable people but you should be willing to learn their customs and respect their ways of living. Otherwise don't come, you'll make yourself and others angry or frustrated.

It costs about 17000 dirhams (about 1700 Euro) to set up a company in Morocco and get through the registration process... which Heather has now created a template for doing for those who chose to come to Morocco and work through the I System.  I will be doing some work with Caleb initially in promoting Project XIII (as will others) and hopefully soon will have a revenue stream for paying for the formation of this company from that.   

Getting through red tape here first requires that you learn what the red tape is, then navigate what is largely a manual process.  For example in December I went with Heather and her step-mother through the process of buying a vehicle, which proved to be an education of who systems function without computers and the internet.   Basically buying a car here involves the same thing it would with the DMV in America, the difference being that each step is a different entity and you proceed from building to another and get a series of stamps, and you hand carry the documents to each new step in the process.  When completed at the Police station, you have the requisite 5 stamps in the process and the papers arrive at the proper office.   A similar process occurs when registering a company to do business.

There's been some confusion between the words "community" and "commune". Some people that came here have chosen to create a communal type of living situation. Nothing wrong with that if that resonates with you.  It doesn't resonate for all of us. Nothing wrong with that either.  There are many ways to do things and more ways will be invented in years to come. Those of taking the free enterprise approach just have not publicized that much yet.

Heather, Caleb,  and myself have chosen a more free enterprise approach. Caleb has his Software company and Heather has her company.  I am forming my own company Mor-Rocket (or Mor-Roquette in French). I don't yet have any partners in my company.  We are all using whatever vehicle of being and doing that resonates with us personally.

My task now is get through the next 8 weeks as local revenue streams to support ourselves open up. We've got past the paperwork hurdles and have the template down in that regard. I have yet to register my company.   I have huge some big living expenses this month, as I have to get my own apartment March 24th, and some basic supplies for it that I didn't have to have until now.   If any feel moved to donate to help with me this, I would be most appreciative.  There is a Paypal button at the top of the blog should you be moved to send $5 this way. Hopefully I won't be eating P.B&Js for the next 8 weeks.  :) 

All my love to you all!


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