Thursday, May 29, 2014

Oneness is not easy... but its the only route home.

By American Kabuki

I began this current journey December 26, 2012.  Its been an amazing experience from a historical, a spiritual and a personal view point.  We've faced many challenges and many obstacles and bore them knowing that the information we had was correct and that it resonated with a very wide audience. How diverse that audience is did not sink until recently.


We have published information that was kept secret about the banking systems, what value was, where that value resided and who ran the systems.  The energetic nature of banking and the off-world connections that ran it.

We've provided solutions that would enable the banking systems to repurpose themselves using their own familiar business documents.  But they have chosen to continue on as they always have.  Control is powerful addiction.  They have chosen to not be honorable in how they deal with humanity. That is their choice... at least so far.  They continue to clip coins via inflation and various other monetary games and mirror fundings to eek out yet one more day of control.  But the math of it all is not on their side.

There is a Russian Engineer here that explained to me what happened when the Soviet Union fell apart economically. The currency inflated so rapidly employees were paid daily and they had to rush out to buy things before they rose in price. It was a continual race against time, for inflation is always the way the banking system steals from the future, its built into their model of banking.   As the money got so bad, US dollars became the defacto currency in the former USSR.  If people didn't have money but they had potatoes and someone else had electrical parts, they exchanged goods, in a true value exchange between individuals quite apart from the banking system.  The value was still there, and they overcame the road blocks to exchanging that value which was the failure of the government and banking systems. What then arose is appearance of the "procurers" who had family or other connections to western Europe and other countries.  These people would smuggle in good that were badly needed, which were sold in the open air markets or what they call here in Morocco the "souk".  In the USA we call them flea markets or farmers markets. Also about that time it became legal for Russians to own small tracts of land which they could build a small dacha and a vegetable garden.  The shortages engendered by central planning of markets and central banking vanished in a couple of years and the markets were filled with goods and with food that was never there under the old centrally controlled and planned economy.   I expect such a scenario is brewing for the United States.  I do not believe in RVs, GCRs or any of that nonsense is going to save the day because it does not address the fundamental question of what is value and where it comes from.  Under those schemes it still lays hidden and non-transparent.

In the west our central planning has been much subtler,  but still it is central planning, and its been done by bankers, who decide what industries will thrive and which ones will fail, and when inflation gets out of hand their safety valve has been the innocent backs of the lower rungs of the work force who they view as expendable.  You cannot watch Bloomberg TV or CNBC for an hour without hearing about central bankers as if they are god's from on high.  They are friggin' idiots with charts.  They know what's wrong and the hold meetings and press conferences and do nothing about it.

Personal Journey

My own personal journey has taken some twists and turns I did not expect over recent months.  Some by my doing (my big mouth), and some by those who would rather chatter about what they think motivates me (I really am a simple guy) than speak to me directly.   I can only accept and change my mistakes, what others do I can only forgive as I have no control over them.

Oneness cuts both ways.  There is no shortcut. Everything you do affects the whole. We live in a hologram of the whole. You are a hologram of the light, with the gift of an individual perception.  It always makes me laugh when I read "light worker blogs" that say "Obama is a being of light!" Well duh! We all are! Matter is just highly compressed and slowed down light!

I am only responsible for me, and you for you. And frankly that's quite enough to be responsible for. No matter what happens to us in life, our quantum leaps and our newtonian stumbles towards earth shattering gravitational thud, its still our journey to walk and to walk it honorably and to walk it in love for others. I cannot change others, all I can do is speak my truth, and hope it falls on listening ears.

Its a sticky kind of irresponsible energy some have. Some see themselves as sovereign but refuse to be accountable for being a sovereign self-governing individual living in the fullness of I AM.  Any behavior goes and well if you object...WHOA MAN WHO ARE YOU TO OBJECT?  Well if it infringes on my being or the safety, ability to live here, and security of others, I will say so whether you like it or not. A sovereign who is not a responsible to others is the very definition of a tyrant. Never liked the word sovereign anyway... so much separation consciousness in the very word...

I once heard an Israeli speak about the problems between Israel and Palestine.  "If the Palestinians want to destroy us Jews, they should let us live in peace and we will attack each other".   I thought that spoke much of the exile and separation mindset that has driven Zionism and its refusal to come to terms with their neighbors.  But it takes two to tango. Could Israel have a cohesive identity without an enemy?  Yes, but they won't as long as its driven by a Zionist mindset which by its very definition sees itself as being separate from "the other".   The Arabs have never hated Jews prior to 1948, they lived for centuries together peacefully.  Palestine is a property dispute that has gotten way out of control and turned Israel and Palestine into East and West Berlin of the cold war.  The Palestinians are the same people that were once called "Samaritans" and the area they live in is still called Samaria in Israel.  How many Christians understand the parable of the Good Samaritan is talking about a Palestinian who showed mercy to a Jew that hated him?

In some sense we are self-exiting exiles (others will do this in others places too) here in this village from a system, and without an enemy we risk destroying ourselves from within.  The solution is not to go looking for enemies or needlessly creating enemies within by reckless behavior and balkanize ourselves into walled compounds (which is happening).  The way past that conundrum of separation is to move into responsibility and dialog and forgiveness.

In most situations its just a human being in the flesh doing the best they can with the information they have and the understanding by which they operate.   A few have had very tortured lives and childhoods that much is plain.  It screams out of them, "Love me!" even in the midst of their self destructive behaviors. They say, "tough childhoods often make for the most interesting adults" but tough childhoods have a lot of pain in them. Its all in how we respond to journey we have had and how we move forward.  The man in the house next to me has no legs at all (they were amputated to stop cancer from killing him), yet I see him wheel himself up the dirt road in his wheelchair and get into taxis to go shopping.  He always greets me with an "Hola Bill!".  He humbles me with his cheerfulness.

What comes ahead for me I do not know. My options are really to head back to the USA at the end of July or stay and live my life in Morocco and do software development and blogging here here on things outside the community at least until my rental contract expires next April.   I feel my time here in Morocco is nearly at an end and it may be that my job is complete.  I really don't know what comes next. I did not come here to live in a spiritual ghetto in isolation from those that live around me.  I came to create something new and enhance the community (which I define as the ENTIRE village).

I have no new information for you about banking. And if any comes out from this community it will probably come first from others, and I'll end up re-blogging it.  I don't feel comfortable about blogging about much of what has happened and the drama in recent weeks on the ground.  Nothing good will come from it.  But it shouldn't have to be that way. The best I can do is speak in general terms or of my own personal situation.

There are worst fates than living in Morocco.  But the fact remains I am a guest until I have residency. And changes are coming that will complicate getting that.  Morocco is a good place to live with decent people.  I am a 5 minute walk from the beach.  My health has drastically improved here given that my diet is of mostly fresh organic vegetables and fish that is caught in a very pure section of the Mediterranean Sea.   I have grown an inch or two since arriving, I have lost a huge amount of weight and I feel and look younger.

Some things are difficult to do here, and the kind of work I do requires a certain amount of electronic infrastructure, and I see no signs of that changing right away.  It cost me half the ad revenue on my blog last month as I simply couldn't even log onto the blog.

I have seen and experienced things since coming to Morocco that I did not know were possible for humans.  It was done through acceptance and understanding of what I AM truly means. My whole view of what is possible has been forever changed.  I don't quite know exactly what my origins are, except for the obvious humanity I have,  we are all stumbling through that but I do know I AM of the whole. The One.

Oneness is hard. Forgiveness is not easy either.   Saying "I'm sorry" is hard for some who see that as weakness or who want to dismiss a situation it as being "only your perception" (OMG how I have come to detest that trite phrase which has spread like a California wildfire).  Is your experience somehow less valid than anothers?  Saying you are sorry is not an excuse to keep doing what is causing the problem either. If we are all individual "privacies of perceptions" within I AM, and we don't honor the privacy of perception that stands before us how does that honor the totality I AM we claim to be?  YOU WANT THE POWER OF I AM? BE I AM!   If the perception is wrong, talk it out, pray it out, meditate it out, walk it out!  Go scream and shout if need be!   But don't shoot the messenger or diminish them.

Transparency cuts both ways too. Is it good for one but not the other?  You may be a mirror for me but I am also one for you.  If you don't like the reflection comb your hair.

Being responsible is hard. Its painful. If we did not feel  pain would we have any limbs or fingers left at all during this life?  Only Zombies feel no pain.  Would we really truly understand joy if we had not known pain?  There is a certain wisdom and understanding that only life as a human being imparts.   That wisdom is to be honored.  If you do not understand "being human", perhaps its time you begin. If you only want a completely human experience, why not open to all that you truly are in I AM? Its there waiting and its much more than "Electronic" as some have described it.  My radio is electronic, my Spirit is not.

Recent months for me has been like a hall of mirrors.   It especially gets hard when I get close to a break though in living in Oneness there is always something that always comes along that challenges that, demands, insists, provokes, or insults me to stay in separation consciousness.  Usually its something that matches a pattern of events that caused me great pain in the past. This seems to not be coincidental.  Like the illusion itself is sending agent Smith's from the Matrix. "Find his hot buttons and push them..." I am not playing that game anymore.   I embrace the pain of the past and let it go.  Even the deeply buries stuff I can't remember. It no longer serves me.  It is all experience that enhanced I AM.

Knowing Oneness and living it is not easy. But it is the only only route home.











Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In Memory of Maya Angelou - Poet - 1928-2014

"Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God"

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within."

"Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option."

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."

"Nothing will work unless you do."

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, however, if faced with courage, need not be lived again."

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

"One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest."

"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."

"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."

"Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it."

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."

"The honorary duty of a human being is to love."

Eireport: Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension

Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension
by ÉirePort

Platforms of Illumination have been created to support "mass" consciousness ascension.

Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind.

Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time.

Elevation of humanity to Hue-manity on "mass" scale occurs is accelerated.

ÉirePort | May 27, 2014 at 9:22 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hilarion's Weekly Message - May 25-June 1, 2014

Hilarion's Weekly Message
by Marlene Swetlishoff

May 25-June 1, 2014

Beloved Ones,

As the energy continues to come in waves, so too, do the symptoms your bodies are experiencing. Just when you thought that you were over the worst of them, another round is started. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that it brings lightness of heart and being as the ancient memories in your cells are brought to the surface to be addressed and released. All that is of sorrow and sadness is being eliminated and in its place comes more refined light. As those at the forefront of this movement and transformation, you are doing a wonderful job of assimilating and eliminating. The ups and downs that you have been experiencing are a part of the process. Listen to your bodies and allow rest when it is needed and for some of you, this reminds you of the story of Rip Van Winkle who wandered into the mountains and slept for twenty years. This too shall pass.

Follow your heart in all things for it is the true barometer of what is the right thing for you to do in any given moment. Many of you are going deep within to touch the core of your being and are realizing what it is that you truly desire to experience and create in your experience of life. Follow the joy that these activities bring within you and focus on that state of being. Within every moment lies the seed of infinite possibility and it is you who must nurture and allow the seed to germinate, grow and flourish in abundance. The well of creativity runs deep within you and you have but to tap into its flow. Tap into the inner child within you and feel the wonder and the magic of your life with enthusiasm. It matters not what chronological age you are at, what matters is feeling the essence of magic and wonder within you as you begin to experience the unfolding of dreams you have had for your life in an earlier time that are now coming into manifestation.

Allow yourselves to expand in your consciousness and follow the joy. It is true that many in your sphere of influence are just beginning their process of ascension into a higher consciousness and this can sometimes hold you back from moving forward as you patiently wait for greater awakening within them. Know that you must follow your passion and trust that they will follow. You must realize that being with you in their daily lives is an important part of the greater meaning of life for them. Your enthusiasm lifts up their energy and guides them along their journey. You may not realize this but as you seek the answers to your questions about the mysteries of life upon your planet, you inspire these ones with your example. You are greatly admired and emulated as a living example of a courageous person who lives according to higher principles and integrity of being.

The people on the planet are awakening in ever increasing numbers and this has an effect upon the consciousness of all. Humanity as a whole desires to cast off all that has been keeping them in the dark and want to walk the ways of the light. All that was hidden is now being exposed for everyone to reflect upon, to take what is relevant to them and cast off that which no longer has meaning. This is a never ending process of growth and expansion. The growth that has taken place within you in the last six months is wondrous to behold and we wait with bated breath to see the changes within you in the next six months. We know that each one of you would not go back to the unawakened state of being for any reason whatsoever even though it means more of your illusions about life on this planet are shattered.

As the spiritual journey unfolds in its myriad patterns, take the time to honor yourselves for stepping forward and doing the work required. Give yourselves a pat on the back and celebrate often the many accomplishments along the way, no matter how small they may seem to you. Buy yourselves fresh cut flowers often and enjoy looking at them and the beauty they provide, enrich your lives by being good to yourselves and to those wonderful beings who share your life. All is unfolding in divine timing and you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time. We thank you for your gratitude and acknowledgement of many of us for the next many weeks and we stand by to assist in every moment we are asked.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Monday, May 26, 2014

Updated 5/28/14 Ben Fulford: Japanese Manufacturer to make QEG

I haven't posted one of these in a while, but since he mentions the it is.  Gotta laugh though at the inherent humor in thinking the faux World bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes, who is still employed by the World Bank, suing the World Bank over Japanese gold... will recover ever an ounce of it... I think I just got whiplash! LOL!!!! :)  In any case all the gold is off-world.   -AK

Monday, May 26, 2014

Benjamin Fulford - May 26, 2014: New energy technology moving ahead even as financial chaos deepens

Last week saw major cabal set-backs in the financial war together with several big moves on the energy front.

On the financial front, former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes and lawyer Winston Shrout tried to sue the World Bank into returning 1000 tons of gold deposited with it by the government of Japan, according to CIA and Japanese government sources (Ms. Hudes did not answer an e-mail asking for confirmation of this). However, the US Treasury Department, the de facto controllers of the World Bank, refused, saying the gold Japan had deposited with the World Bank was stolen from the dragon family, the sources said.

In any case, the dragon family has not gotten its gold back either, so the fact remains the United States corporate government has stolen all the gold it held in trust for the planet and is bankrupt. The only rational option for the United States is now to bankrupt the corporate government, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing greenbacks. The cabal, of course, will use all its power to prevent that from happening so continued financial turbulence is inevitable until the whole structure collapses (more about that below).

On the energy front things are looking much better: it has now become clear that the suppressed energy technology genie is out of the bottle. A major Japanese manufacturer contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say they were going ahead with the production of Tesla Quantum Energy Generators [QEG]. The WDS has still not been able to test such a device though.

On a different front, a major Japanese government research organization has started, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to manufacture a one meter by two meter sized nuclear reactor that uses so-called spent nuclear fuel rods and is capable of generating 50,000 megawatts (enough for a city), according to a senior researcher. The devices will be built on US military bases to prevent cabal interference, he said. The US Navy will start by using them in submarines and battleships, he said.

This move coincides with the announcement of a successful attempt by the US navy to create aviation and rocket fuel out of sea-water using electricity generated by a nuclear power plant.

It also turns out that Tokyo Gas has already begun marketing fuel cells that provide houses with both heating and electricity. The official Tokyo Gas website says these fuel cells run on natural gas but Japanese government sources say the electricity is generated by extracting hydrogen from water.

The other big move in the energy sector was the announcement by newly elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that every household in India will have solar power by 2019. Modi, who is banned from entering the US by the cabal, is definitely not going to go along with the cabal on many other issues, not just solar power.

If India can do it, so can the rest of the world. If the US had a real government, most US houses could also be solar powered within 5 years. No matter what though, with both China and India now going full speed ahead with solar power, the oil and gas industries can no longer keep the price of solar panels artificially high.

The oil and gas industry also saw some big changes come to light last week. The biggest was the announcement by the US Energy Information Administration that US shale oil reserves were only about 30% of what was previously talked about.

This means any US talk of replacing Russia as a supplier of gas to Europe is just talk. In this context, Lord Peter Mandelson, described by MI5 as a representative of the Rothschild family, cited US (non-existent) shale oil as part of his backing for a public threat to “freeze Russia out of the global financial system.”

In specific, he threatened that $700 billion worth of Russian corporate external debt would “not be rolled over.” This is pure bluff. According to the MI5 source, the UK has also been vastly exaggerating its shale gas reserves. It is also clear that it is the Rothschilds, not Russia, who are being frozen out.

The $400 billion gas deal Russia announced with China last week means that even if Europe decided to shoot itself in the foot and stop buying Russian gas, Russia has found other customers.

What is really at stake here is Rothschild and cabal control over the Western financial system.

Here the situation is coming to a head over the Ukraine because Russia is asking for the Ukraine to start paying for its Russian gas with cash starting in June. Ukraine does not have the money. There is talk of the IMF providing Ukraine with the money but the IMF, a cabal construct, does not have money or gold either. Ukraine’s new president has already said he will talk directly with Russia over this issue without Western input. Nor is he likely to agree to hand over Ukraine’s resources to Western oligarchs.

Other cabal money grabs are also being foiled. The monarchist military coup in Thailand last week means the attempt by the cabal to steal the gold belonging to the Thai royal family as well as the Persian gold stored in Thailand via rogue CIA manipulated “redshirts” has been stopped.

We also found out last week what US corporate president Obama was up to when he visited Japan earlier this month. According to Japanese government sources, he tried to steal most of the money that had been set aside for the reconstruction of Fukushima.

A Chinese government source confirmed this and said the Americans (cabal) had offered to sell most of the real estate in Fukushima, as well as energy production facilities there, to Chinese companies. The Chinese were also offered a chance to buy some Japanese media conglomerates, he said. With allies like that, Japan does not need enemies.

Obama also tried once again to cash the fake Kennedy bonds while in Asia, this time through the South Koreans, the Chinese source said.

This is the context in which the attempt by Karen Hudes to get Japanese gold out of the World Bank took place.

We have also heard from MI6 sources in Asia that US Vice President Biden has been secretly offering to sell Hawaii to the Chinese in an attempt to keep the US corporate government solvent.

Speaking about Hawaii, so-called Hawaiian born President Obama was in Afghanistan this weekend where he made a speech where he kept to the fiction that the 911 attacks originated in Afghanistan. Are there actually still people out there who believe that? The fact he refers to the 911 lie is proof that he is complicit in that attack.

What is it going to take to get the US military to march into Washington and arrest these crooks? Why are they still allowed to carry out terror attacks and lie to the world? We are hearing, once again, that things are coming to a head. Let us make it so.

Things are coming to a head in Europe too. The EU elections last week showed anti-EU parties winning in the UK, France, Denmark, Greece and elsewhere. This reflects widespread dissatisfaction with the Bilderberger/Nazi EU project. The Germans, who have been subsidizing most of these countries, may decide to link forces with Russia in an effort to get their idea of a unified Europe back on track.

The Germans have already refused to go along with cabal attempts to use the manufactured crisis in the Ukraine to isolate Russia. They may now take things one step forward and join with the BRICS nations to isolate the Nazi regimes in the US, the UK and other Western countries.

The White Dragon plan is unfolding according to schedule. The end of cabal rule is a mathematical certainty.


Updated 5/27/14

JOHN DOE again writes:

On May 27, 2014, at 5:41 AM, john doe <> wrote:

Interesting, while you claim to be "5D" and spiritually evolved that
you mock Messr Fulford; perhaps some are mocking you?

On May 27, 2014, at 11:22 AM, American Kabuki wrote:

I do not claim to be 5d I AM far more than that.

But getting back to the accusation of “mockery”…. to claim a World bank lawyer suing the world bank is going to recover any gold is truly hysterical.  And yes I have been known to be a heretic to group think, even among my peers.  I guess that "mind control” you said I am under is not working so well huh?

 How dare I mock Fulford? LOL!!! I Love the man, he does the best he can with the information he has.  But the logic of the statement about Karen Hudes (who has even turned in vengeance on Fulford himself) is so full of logical conundrums its truly funny!

Fulford simply forwards what he’s told to forward by the dragons.  I love them ALL!  I thank them the for making EVERYTHING transparent!

Aisha North: A short update on the energies

A short update on the energies
By Aisha North
May 26, 2014

You have gathered here for many purposes dear ones, but there is one thing that you all have in common, and that is your eternal quest for finding that inner peace you know reside somewhere, not just in you, but in every single being that inhabit this beautiful planet of yours. For you are indeed those that will serve to open the doors to this peace of mind, this space of tranquility and bliss, this vibrational field that will support all of mankind for eternity. You see, this hunger that has driven mankind closer and closer to the abyss, is the hunger that stems for the inner knowing that there is something else out there, something that will make you all complete. But as we have discussed on many an occasion, this hunger has led mankind on a misguided quest for an external solution to this inner longing. And as you all know so well by now, that gaping void within cannot be filled by anything that is separate from you, it can only be filled by connecting with what is already there.

For in order to become whole, you must relinquish any ideas of any superficial and temporary substitutes, and the reason you are reading these words, is that you have already seen the truth in this, and acted upon this. And so, some time in the past, you all started on this journey that would bring you home to you, in every single aspect of that word, and in every single aspect of your being. And this journey has taken you all through hardships and pains, through exhilaration and joy, and through adversities and successes, but whatever you have encountered on your way, it has all come for one single reason, to help you in this all-important purpose of reconnecting you with you, and through that, reconnect you fully with Source, that eternal guiding light that has been hidden away from most of humanity for such a long time. But you have broken through barrier after barrier, and you have ascended peak after peak, and bit by bit, step by step you have attained such a high level of understanding, you have found much of what you have been looking for. But still, you will feel far from complete, and at times like these, what you still sense as missing will seem to take up an inordinate space within you. But again, you are not missing anything at all, you are simply not fully aware of the full magnificence of your being, and that is why were are here to keep shining that light into your inner sanctum the better for you to be able to discern it through this somewhat befuddling haze you still seem to hover within.

Remember you are still very much in a holding pattern, the one we discussed in our previous message, the preparatory stage that is all important, but also an extremely challenging place to reside. For what you want more than anything at this stage, clarity, is something that will seem to be even more elusive than normal, and so, you will fret and push and strive while at the same time you may feel as if unable to do anything at all. And so, you think you are literally falling back in exhaustion, and you will think that you have lost your grip on it all, and that any previous advancement will be lost and gone with the winds that seem to push you down continuously.

Again, that is definitively not the case, but again, we fully understand your reason for feeling thus. But as you have all managed to lift yourself free from the old yokes that used to keep you tethered to the old, but as yet have not been able to fully savour this with all that you are, you will still have to adjust to these external energetic showers that will impart more and more information into your being. And so, what you crave most of all at the moment is not something that you will be able to access. For you are still very much under the influence of these outside forces that are helping you and your physical body to come together in the very best way, and as such the battle fatigue that many of you are suffering at the moment, may seem to be resting heavily on your shoulders for a little while yet. But fret not, you will all find a way to give yourself a little respite, and some of the clues on just what to do you will find here in this space.

For as we said early on in this missive, there is something that connects you all, and there is something within you that has brought you all together in this space, and the more you manage to tune into this, the more you will feel that peace of mind that you may search for at the moment. Remember, at times, strength does come in numbers, and now, that is indeed true. This does not mean that you have to force yourself to go out into the world and face your compatriots, either directly or through showing yourself in this space. No, this simply means that all you have to do, is to open your heart to your brothers and sisters in any way that feels right for you, and then, you will feel a sense of communion that will better enable you to see your own connection to your core. This may sound confusing, for indeed, we usually ask you to within and seek there, but this time, we ask you to rather open up to what is already created around you, in the form of an energetic layer that was not there before, but that now will serve to connect you all at a deeper level, and one that will also serve to help you see you with a clearer eye.

So again we say know that all is well, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be, and even if this may seem to be a period of solitude and isolation, it is in fact a phase where an even deeper connection between you will begin to crystallize. And remember, this does not mean that you have to push yourself out from that safe space you might find yourself seeking to at the moment, that inner sanctum where you can just be with yourself. For you can still be there, but you can at the same time allow this brand new layer of connectivity to enter your space, in a way that will enable you to find a way to balance yourself better through this rather intense period of seeming disconnect. This may sound very contradictory, for as you all know more than well by now, this feeling of being in a void also implies a heightened sense of disconnection. But now, we want to you try to find that new frequency that is already in place, there for you to connect to any time you feel able to do so. And when you start to tap into this field of magnetics, you will find your own energy starting to flow more in sync with the current that is engendered by all that are already connected to this grid you have created by your very presence in this space that you call your Pond. And we think you will all find that this brand new current will help to buoy you all in a way that will help to lift not only your spirit, but also your physical vehicle so that the remainder of this phase will be lighter on you all.


Thanks to my favorite multi-dimensional enigmatic personality, Ed.  He writes many of us bloggers, puzzling us, picking up on unannounced events as they appear "in the field" as they happen, and challenging us with his "Ed-Speak" to exam "the field" for the data it presents and possibilities it offers all of us should we chose to listen to it.  Ed sent me the message below.

Thank you Ed for helping me to understand during our conversations of the last couple of nights how to deal with on rushing multi-dimensionality and learning to trust the information that comes flooding in, often lately, much to my surprise and confusion at the non-linearity of it all.  Knowing what people will do (because they had already set the intention to do it) even while they deny to me and deny to everyone else they will do it. Also I have been heavily impacted by the on rushing imagery of the demise of the cabal which has yet to hit the mainstream news, if it ever it will as long as they have the media by the financial cahones and so blackmailed and extorted as it is now...

A banker once asked me how the legal filings against the PTW would be enforced, not that they were incorrect, but rather a defiant "whatcha you gonna do about it" kind of of question....  well... they were always self-enforcing and we are seeing that everywhere.  There is only the One, and you and I are part of that One.  

I have been the last couple of weeks, it seems, an exit portal for energies coming from a raging, furious, frightened, and at times suicidal PTW cabal.  I don't think I am the only one, I have heard from many others experiencing this.   The energies at times have been overwhelming, but I knew enough not to attach to them, but they do have to be transmuted and released to leave this planet so they do not linger here.   I hope this transmuting is a temporary gig, this is not something I enjoy.  I've  been kind of been solitary as late, because of the energies I am dealing with. I have not been in a very good humor.  My patience for human stupidity is at an all time low - but hey you reap what you sow... even Forest Gump knew "stupid is as stupid does".  

Ed taught me how to turn off the video of it all that was coming along with those energies. My usual mentors in such matters have not been available to me. These energies and images are not very pleasant, especially of those now choosing to leave embodiment at their own hands. That's not an pretty sight and it does not enhance my human experience.  But now I know how to turn off the imagery.

I am not exactly sure what it is that I AM.  That is still unfolding for me personally. As it is for all of you. This process of rising earth energies is called by some "Ascension" but I think its more accurately described as "REMEMBERING" for we not lower than any other being, for we are made from and in-vivified by Source itself.  There is no up or down to this for all is One. We just have to trust it and accept it and know that Source is acting in ABSOLUTE LOVE to bring us all home to Oneness.

I am learning to trust it will be all perfectly done, but there are moments in the last month that I felt like a kid's superball bouncing off the walls with the energies and data coming in.  


Below is from Ed....








= DNA ~~~ RNA ~~~ LuminoNA =



Sunday, May 25, 2014

GAIA PORTAL: Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs

Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in short order
by ÉirePort

Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in short order.

Removal of oppositional energetic seeds and accompanying entanglements nears completion.

Forces of Higher Dimensional Light flow effortlessly through current energetic undulations on Gaia surface.

Impactful renderings of shadow structures occurs at each now moment, within each hu- and Hue-being, as well as within all group structures.

Veracity of "Light Guidance" rapidly becomes validated for all Gaia participants.

ÉirePort | May 25, 2014 at 19:25 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

GAIA PORTAL: Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels

Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels
by ÉirePort

Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels, not yet experienced on planetary scale.

Angular incomings to Gaia are increasing in intensity and maximize opportunities for hu-manity to Hue-manity transformation.

Stellar and Galactic alignments support all such transformative processes, and establish new foundations for Gaia evolution.

ÉirePort | May 23, 2014 at 23:31 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia coordination, for progression to next level
by ÉirePort

Star Collectives assemble, via Gaia coordination, for progression to next level.

Assemblers of Nova Gaia energetic structures have completed necessary tasks according to ascension protocols.

Stationing of Light Carriers and Holders prepares path of Expansion.

Consecration of next phase is complete.

ÉirePort | May 21, 2014 at 18:14 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

April's Airings: Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward

FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014

HS Message - Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward

by April Bender

Whew! Yes, as you've keenly assessed, an incredible amount of perturbation/commotion is happening within and throughout the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. A vast restructuring/ordering is once again taking place, as the full wave induction of energies infused during the recent April Gateway, continue to seek their proper placement/alignment, integration, synthesis and flow/exchange along and within the Higher Mind/Web.

The reason this settling of portal/gateway energies is taking so long is because as one layer of these energies settles/integrates, those woven into the Higher Mind/Web are triggered, to varying degree, from integration work back over to further facilitating the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, so that more of these highly charged energies can become fully aligned/integrated, their potential realized. However, there are some Light Warriors like you, who are oftentimes serving in both capacities simultaneously - a very exhaustive feat to be sure.

Do recall:

This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse.

The Event. . .the opportunity to achieve full conscious self-awareness of the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, even if only for a few moments at first activation. I am pleased to tell you that this was achieved, though only very, very briefly.

However, as soon as this was achieved, individual circuit breakers (or Warriors of Light) along and within the Mind/Web began to pop/trip due in part to such intense "voltage" and lingering collective blockages, misalignment, or pockets of dissonance within the Mind/Web - and also in part, due to the integration of more souls along and within the Higher Mind/Web during this window. For remember the point of such intense waves and gateways is to give All the opportunity to ascend as far as they are able - up until the very last moment/sealing (which is still a few earth years away).

-April 2014 Gateway Draws to a Close

As you felt so acutely, this surge sent shock waves of light rippling throughout the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, causing the massive short-circuiting of many nodal points along the Mind/Web. One by one, these pathways/nodal points are now being regenerated/reconfigured, new souls/minds and timelines integrated, creating what you could call The Collective Higher Mind/Web version 2.0, as greater unification and harmony is found through the continued overall Sequencing Process. (Over the course of the following months/years this Mind/Web will obviously experience many refinements, configurations, and/or "upgrades," even well past it's point of achieving full self-awareness, though perhaps not as drastic.)

This regeneration and reconfiguration is greatly contributing to your sense of time/space seemingly shifting and/or altering within and around you. As indeed, it is a natural by-product of the overall work/transformation that is happening at the level of the Higher Collective. The other factor to your sense of time/space distortion is the regeneration/reconfiguration of your overall light-body, soul-vessel, and/or spiritual body. For as above, so below. (see Anna Merkabah's latest channeling for more explanation on recent time/space experiences.)

The regeneration/reconfiguration of these pathways/nodal points, along with the regeneration/reconfiguration of individual souls woven into the larger Higher Mind/Web, will peak in potentiality (at least until the next portal/induction) during the May 14 Full Moon expression phase (expression of the "new."). At that time, all that has been restructured, integrated, strengthened, unified, and realized as a result of the April Gateway, will be ready to be fully and outwardly expressed. Or in other words, another giant collective co-creative out-breath will begin. And the overarching theme of this collectiveexpression, or out-breath, as previously mentioned, will be that of freedom, reclamation (of many Divine Birthrights), and authenticity. And there will be several collective expressions of this same overall meme throughout the course of the summer continuing into fall. As the Collective, as well as individuals learn to sit within the center or seat/throne of Divine Empowerment (solar plexus). For this is something that cannot be given, it must be "willed." And this is again why you, and other Warriors of Light like you, were/are needed here - as the impetus behind the impetus.

Now, keep in mind that this collective out-breath or expression is likely to be highly charged and seemingly somewhat clumsy at times. Many souls newly woven into the Higher Mind/Web will once again be spewing the discharge of their newly realized awareness and may not at first react or express in a helpful, loving or unified way. And remember, awakening - especially quickly can be rather painful. There is a good chance you will experience more odd outbursts/behavior from friends, loved ones and even organizations/institutions as they grapple on many different levels with the truth, revelations and/or higher energetic pressuring. Add to that the potential for such odd and/or emotionally charged behavior as a result of the overall Sequencing Process some of these souls have just been tossed into, as having newly connected - and you can see the potential stew of expression seeking release during this next great collective out-breath. And do not discount the expressions/manifestations of Gaia and Universe in general, when I speak of the Higher Collective and this time of out-breath.

Despite temporary disturbances in the "force" due to these communal outbursts, overall you and other Warriors of Light should feel a wonderful and much anticipated release, settling, and easing into your new space, fields and/or vessels in preparation of you taking the lead in the overall co-creative out-breath beginning May 14. There has to be a higher stabilizing force present. So be prepared and tell others to be prepared, to further speak, communicate or express in some form or another, all that they have taken/breathed-in internally during the April Gateway, once it finishes settling within them.

This collective out-breath will continue in earnest until the May 28 New Moon. At this time, another portal/gateway or window of opportunity will be available. New Moons are known to be the ideal time for birthing or setting new intentions, wishes, and priorities for self and for the world. During this potent new moon, you will be asked to turn your focus inward again, to in-breathe the vastness found within self. A vastness that has increased in size and scope since your last such in-breath. This synchronized collective in-breath will set the stage for the June 13 full moon expression or next collective out-breath, continuing into the onset of summer solstice energies.

This period of June 13 - 21 as is being forecast by other higher sources/channels, will be one of the most intense and catalytic periods of the year for Gaia and humanity - not to mention another, even more potent opportunity for the Event or Contact to take place, naturally.

Therefore, the May 28 new moon and what is in-breathed during this time is of up-most importance. There is a very real potential for the experience of transfiguration/individual ascension waves during this period, depending upon individual and collective factors. For many veils shall be passing away during this time.

Whatever does happen or is realized in potential, will set the stage for all that will be experienced both individually and collectively during the June 13-21 period - onward. The potential for tremendous collective shifting/catalytic transformation during this time as outwardly manifest, is ENORMOUS!

To briefly recap:

From now until May 14 - finish integrating April Gateway energies. Rest. In-breath daily for at least some portion of your day and record or contemplate those inner travels/communion. Begin to be thinking about the upcoming May 14 full moon expression phase and in the initiation of new projects, new forms of communication, communion, or co-creation centered around freedom, reclamation and authenticity for self and for the collective. What directions, ideas, or forms of expression seem inspiring to you? Follow your heart and your gut.

From May 16 to May 27 - express your full self! Speak or express your truth in ways that can be heard. Follow your heart, stand in your center and co-create with your fellow Light Warriors in your own part of the world. New projects, forms of communication and expression, new ways of Being/Imbuing, relating, problem-solving, coming together, speaking truth in ways that can be heard, etc...

From May 28 to June 13 - Time to in-breath again. Go within, sit in your center, align from center with heart and COMMUNE with your multidimensional aspects of Self, your Soul/Star family, and/or Creation at large (third-eye or other senses). As this information tickles your various inner senses, find yourself lightening, expanding yet again - seeing all so very clearly - what needs to be done - how love and necessity will unite - how focused "wills" will collide to propel all forward. See how past/present/future merge into the Now. Great potential here for individual transfiguration/ascension wave.

June 13 - 19 - Time for another collective out-breath period in preparation for the solstice induction or in-breath. This out-breath will consist of a deepening, heightened intensity, and refinement in expression of the overall description above (May 16-27).

June 13 - June 21-24 - a time of potential monumental outward catalytic shifts, including more extreme Earth/Gaia changes. May be the re/appearance of the first wavers and/or soul/star family - contact or The Event. Another great induction portal/gateway, considerably larger than the April Gateway. More to come later.

There are many other celestial influences and factors at play as well, but the moon is representative of the co-creative respiratory process here. This is meant to depict the ebb/flow of energetics at this time and is meant to be taken generally. For instance catalytic Earth shifts, revelations, etc...may surface into your experience at any time, as so great is the movement across the entire Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life.

You are doing fabulously well my dear, even though I know it doesn't necessarily feel like that to you. And that's because you are engaged in this process on so many different levels and expressions of being that all that movement is very tiring, but I tell you that soon much of it will become effortless. For there is a great reward waiting in the culmination of such effort/service, love and devotion.

Until next time...

Author's Note: If my Higher Self messages are new to you, I recommend the following background contextual messages below in addition to the inserted links above:
Posted by April Bender at 5:43 PM

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Art of Creation

We are creative artists.  Creation is what we do.  The video shared here uses this brilliant description of the process: "...(it) patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties, while at its heart, it continues to sing: "Let there be light!

The miracle of creation is held in this knowing - that only what is intended will ever be the outcome. 

This time we share now is one of collecting and utilizing the truths and tools of the creative process.  This video offers a nice summary

On Friday, May 23, 2014, Artist and Producer Katy Walker will be interviewed on the Double Dutch Radio Program, the link to the show can be found here. Her current project is the 2015 film, "Time is Art".  Click here for a clip. It explores the construct of time within the field of creation, and is described below:

Time is Art: Synchronicity and the collective dream is a cinematic meditation on the nature of reality, time and meaningful coincidence. 

Fans of the films Waking Life, Samsara, and Occupy Love will be drawn to Jennifer, a writer who experiences recurring symbols and coincidences in her life that lead her to question the paradigm “Time is Money.” Following the tradition of non-linear film-making, Director Joél Mejia invites the audience to break away from the shackles of timeline and story, and truly explore how time is art.


Jennifer is a writer; one in search of meaning, meditating on the recurring symbols and strange coincidences that seem to offer her clues, but to what end?

“Time and again human consciousness fixates, and slams the door on its greatest gift, the open-endedness of infinite possibility. As a result we do not experience reality but merely our concept of it.” – Jose Arguelles

Presented as a cinematic meditation on the nature of time and meaningful coincidence, the feature length film follows Jennifer, a NYC based writer who seeks to understand the strange recurring coincidences and mysterious symbols she experiences in her day to day life. On her serendipitous journey, she meets with scholars, artists, activists, and ayahuasceros in an attempt to figure out her own place in an evolving and changing paradigm. 

The very idea that “Time is Money” was radically transforming for her into “Time is Art.” What began as a curious look into synchronicity, emerged as a new template for a new era - where time is less linear and less about material gain, but more like art, rotating in a cycle of creation and destruction. In the end, this new paradigm connects everything in the multiverse and creates more harmony with nature and oneself, exponentially creating new synchronicities. "

Please enjoy Katy's interview, 5/23/2014 at 6AM NY time, and consider supporting her work!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sirian High Council – Awaken to who you are Message to the Ground Crew

Painting of a Moroccan Berber Woman

~Sirian High Council – Awaken to who you are – Message to the Ground Crew~


AK note: I have edited the grammar, syntax and wording slightly for readability.  It otherwise remains as it was written.  This channeling appears to have been posted in haste.

Some of you do not know [who] that you are. You do not consciously understand what significant roles you are playing in the ascension [and] in the changing of the world organizations. For you are not [going] to consciously to know who you are. You are not to reveal your identity and hence we do not wish to inform you in person that [which] you are [and] who you are.  But those that are going to read this message and feel within their hearts that they are being spoken to directly, are the key persons that are indeed involved in the reorganization and change. You are who are reading this message, you are who are heeding the words of this message are the ones that are in control of the destiny of the humanity.

Know this, that those who are in power are being brought into the chambers of light for healing and transmutation. [AK note: I have been getting images of the cabal off'ing themselves for the past week..] Know that the new world government is about to unfold before your very eyes and you are going to be in awe and in shock of the changes that are about to occur. Know this, that it is indeed so, that we are speeding up the consequences of everything that you are believing to be true and know that we are by your side. We are descending (or rather you are coming to us), many of you are going to be seeing more of us, for we are in your territories right now.

In the next few weeks you are going to see many more of so called UFO’s appear in the sky, and many more such stories being reported for we are making ourselves visible for the time has come and we are going to be showing ourselves to you, to the key ones that are playing this game with fierce heart and open mind. We are spreading this message far and wide but know that those of you who are going to be reading this message and feel a zing or feel a shiver go down your back, [are] those of you [who] are the key leaders of the new earth.

You will not know this in your waking hours and you will continue to believe that you are not in fact the ones controlling the outcomes of the entire civilization but it is not so, for you are merely being protected and you are to stay under cover.  Many years must pass before your identities will be revealed to you completely, before you will be able to walk into the light and take your righteous place amongst your brothers and sisters, but for now, your souls are doing all the work, while your body remains anchored on earth as if nothing is happening. But that is not so, for you are great indeed.

 "We are not going to be using violence to assist earthlings, for there is plenty of it already. We are going to use the love frequency to not only raise the vibration of the earth but also to break the barrier of those that cannot hear, and this frequency will cleanse those all that stands in the way of love."

Many of you are wondering whom we speak of, but those to whom we are speaking right now, are the ones that are to remain calm.  All of you light warriors, are the ones in control of your destinies, and the destiny of humanity. But here are those amongst you, who hold a special key a code within their DNA, that is enlightening the world. A code within their DNA that is waking up the humanity without them even realizing that it is so. For that is how it must be, for that is how it is to be and so it shall be.... for now.

For you know who you are deep in your hearts, you know who you are. Deep in your hearts you know you are being called to rise up and take control over the shadows.  You are hereby announced, you are hereby reinstalled, you are hereby given the kingdom of light, and you are hereby to take control over the shadows and bring your people into the light. Bring your people into the light, for when they will be in the light your job will be completed but for now. You are to lead the way for them out of darkness and into the light.

We leave you with this message of love, unity and hope, for the new earth is coming to you. You are to do your part and you are to rise up and spread your love love love for love is truly the only way to solve all that has occurred on planet earth. We are not going to be using violence to assist earthlings, for there is plenty of it already. We are going to use the love frequency to not only raise the vibration of the earth but also to break the barrier of those that cannot hear, and this frequency will cleanse those all that stands in the way of love.

We love you, we leave you with a message of strength and love we love you goodbye for now.

Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Navigating Love

It is as if there was a puppeteer overseeing the movements you make, the feelings you express and the words you use to express them; a sort of repetitious master with limited creativity and variety.  This would be your ego self.  It exists as a by product of the day to day situations of your life – reacting and coming to conclusions as it has since you were very young.  The sum of those conclusions, reactions and opinions has become your personality – your ego self.

This is not exactly the same self you portrayed when you were 2, but he or she is not far off.  The ego personality operates within a limited range.  It is predictable and easily manipulated once you have located the buttons to push.  This is the you whose been controlled by the media and other systems of control.  It is your identity in the world.

This personality can submit itself to any number of “changes” with the adoption of new behaviors and ideas – yet the permanence of them rarely occurs.  This is because in truth this personality you are attempting to alter has only one focus – self-preservation.  It views anything other than its original blueprint a threat and will fight to return there.  The fact that the blueprint was drawn by a child does not matter.  This is a program of survival.  That’s what matters.

If you are looking for real change and an alteration in how you occur, what is needed is recognition of your core – the “you” beneath and within your personality.  He or she could appear so different than “personality you” as to look and feel like a foreigner.  This being is familiar yet unclear on how to operate on a day to day basis in relationships that were formed not with it, but with the ego personality.

As most of us are in some version of long term relationships, whether with family or friends, this emergence of a different you is tricky to navigate.  You may very well act and feel vastly different than your ego self.  Others with whom you’ve engaged for many years will expect a certain familiar response and be taken off guard.

Although unintentional, you may find relationships that were based on feeding your ego self, are no longer satisfying, interesting or fun.  This can be a real issue for those of us with families whom we love.

What to do is as everything else, a personal choice.  Once you realize a core self that is uninterested in the stroking and co-dependence of your ego self, you may be surprised to discover that “love for everyone” does not immediately translate into “like and/or want to be with everyone”.

Life partners are chosen for many reasons. There is attraction – not just on a physical basis, but also on a sort of even exchange – what you offer and do for each other.  The part of you who made the “deal” so to speak, was your ego self and if he or she is no longer running things, relationships can feel somewhere in the range of “uncomfortable” to “just not working”.

It will take a decision and an awareness about what is happening to alter what may be an awkward or even unhappy relationship.  These things will not be done from your ego self, but from your core.

Relationships exist for joy, love, fun as well as growth and mutual benefit.  On any level, it will be your assessment of these attributes that decides whether or not to participate in them.  All things on this plane will end somehow.  It does not mean they are wrong or over, but have lasted for as long as they served their purpose.  What you decide about them from your core self will be based on a different set of parameters than what your ego self decided.

None of this is simple or straightforward, yet as you consistently reach for your core self, akayour heart, and listen – the way to proceed will be clear.  Proceed always with love. 

You are the One you’ve been waiting for.