Friday, May 23, 2014

The Art of Creation

We are creative artists.  Creation is what we do.  The video shared here uses this brilliant description of the process: "...(it) patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties, while at its heart, it continues to sing: "Let there be light!

The miracle of creation is held in this knowing - that only what is intended will ever be the outcome. 

This time we share now is one of collecting and utilizing the truths and tools of the creative process.  This video offers a nice summary

On Friday, May 23, 2014, Artist and Producer Katy Walker will be interviewed on the Double Dutch Radio Program, the link to the show can be found here. Her current project is the 2015 film, "Time is Art".  Click here for a clip. It explores the construct of time within the field of creation, and is described below:

Time is Art: Synchronicity and the collective dream is a cinematic meditation on the nature of reality, time and meaningful coincidence. 

Fans of the films Waking Life, Samsara, and Occupy Love will be drawn to Jennifer, a writer who experiences recurring symbols and coincidences in her life that lead her to question the paradigm “Time is Money.” Following the tradition of non-linear film-making, Director Joél Mejia invites the audience to break away from the shackles of timeline and story, and truly explore how time is art.


Jennifer is a writer; one in search of meaning, meditating on the recurring symbols and strange coincidences that seem to offer her clues, but to what end?

“Time and again human consciousness fixates, and slams the door on its greatest gift, the open-endedness of infinite possibility. As a result we do not experience reality but merely our concept of it.” – Jose Arguelles

Presented as a cinematic meditation on the nature of time and meaningful coincidence, the feature length film follows Jennifer, a NYC based writer who seeks to understand the strange recurring coincidences and mysterious symbols she experiences in her day to day life. On her serendipitous journey, she meets with scholars, artists, activists, and ayahuasceros in an attempt to figure out her own place in an evolving and changing paradigm. 

The very idea that “Time is Money” was radically transforming for her into “Time is Art.” What began as a curious look into synchronicity, emerged as a new template for a new era - where time is less linear and less about material gain, but more like art, rotating in a cycle of creation and destruction. In the end, this new paradigm connects everything in the multiverse and creates more harmony with nature and oneself, exponentially creating new synchronicities. "

Please enjoy Katy's interview, 5/23/2014 at 6AM NY time, and consider supporting her work!


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