Thursday, May 8, 2014

Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress

I'm a bit behind in these, I have the internet issue worked out now and an actual small
desk and chair for my iMac!  No more working of coffee tables with a bent back! Woohoo! -AK

Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress
by ÉirePort
May 8, 2014

Ground crew establishments attend to all necessary energetic functions of planetary Ascension as lines of consort are cleansed.

Establishment of transcendent consort lines is in progress.

Festivals of accomplishment allow furtherance of Higher Designs.

Masquerades are impossible to hide from the awakened masses.

Awakenings frequency shifts to high.

ÉirePort | May 8, 2014 at 11:07 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Current Energetics of Ascendant Gaia call for Rejuvenation of GaiaPortal Communications Portal
by ÉirePort
May 8, 2014

Current Energetics of Ascendant Gaia call for rejuvenation of GaiaPortal communications portal.

Energetic shifts and changes now occur at acceleration levels that have asked for communication to Hu-manity collective.

Ascendant Gaia has accepted her role as communicator of Higher Dimensional Energetic transformations.

Such is a vital necessity at this moment of Now.

ÉirePort | May 8, 2014 at 11:22 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Transpersonal Energetic Grid Supports have been Enabled and Readied
by ÉirePort
May 5, 2014

Transpersonal energetic grid supports have been enabled and readied for next steps in Gaia liberation.

Transitional lower-to-higher-vibrational-grid-formation structures are in place.

Energies of Ascended Gaia clarify and intents seeded.

Importuning adversarials are stationed and removed.

Balanced Gaia feminine and masculine are in readiness.

ÉirePort | May 5, 2014 at 7:51 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

“Specialized” higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary “difficulty” points
by ÉirePort

April 28, 2014

eireport_logo_thumb_1"Specialized" higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary "difficulty" points.

These energetic streams are coded for individual geographic grid points and create conditions which dissolve all potential of archon-created-and-aligned activity.

Such energetic streams are unique to each situation, and are uniquely formed for the Planet Earth-Gaia operation.

Although similar to 3D Earth-based "special ops" forces, these higher vibrational energetic streams operate purely in the 4-9D realms and are immune to any archon-ic detection.

Higher Gaia collective has called for this.

ÉirePort | April 28, 2014 at 9:24 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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