Sunday, May 25, 2014

GAIA PORTAL: Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs

Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in short order
by ÉirePort

Fruition of energetic seeds implanted in Gaia grid structures occurs in short order.

Removal of oppositional energetic seeds and accompanying entanglements nears completion.

Forces of Higher Dimensional Light flow effortlessly through current energetic undulations on Gaia surface.

Impactful renderings of shadow structures occurs at each now moment, within each hu- and Hue-being, as well as within all group structures.

Veracity of "Light Guidance" rapidly becomes validated for all Gaia participants.

ÉirePort | May 25, 2014 at 19:25 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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